This absolutely true Gil...and trust me...I do it alot and recommend it
to others. I still go over games I played in tourneys from years
back...and majorly over the ones I lost. Especially that one I lost to
the Under 16 yr. old champ from Ohio...I am still kicking myself over
that game and it was over 4 years ago...but I have found where i went
wrong and feel a little better about it.
I agree that Morphy should be studied...he taught about quick
development and some good tactical he actually had
really good endgame skill. I have three books on him and his games.
But there are alot of others that can teach tactics just as well. Alekhine
is the best bet for learning tactical play because he always thought
about his pawn structure rather than just crazy all out blitz.
Kirk!! et tu brute?
First I find out about vaknso - and now you! If I'd only known you
guys received jedi training, I wouldn't have accepted/offered
I think I'm going to have to add a line to my bio - "and NO games
with people trained by Schliemann! I want a chance at winning." Why
it's worse than playing against a computer! LOL. Either that or jump on
the bandwagon - hey Schliemann - can I sign up for a end-of-summer
class slot? If ya' can't beat 'em, might as well join 'em. 🙂