Originally posted by Bad wolfIt is one thing to ridicule something that someone had a choice in, but how is it fair if they had no say in it? That is point I am trying to make. You can blast someone for something they said or did, but not for being born.
Why do they have to be mutually exclusive?
I can be jealous because of the unfair set up.
But also make offensive jokes to vent my frustration.
Originally posted by Bad wolfThere is a difference between offensive and out of order.
Why do they have to be mutually exclusive?
I can be jealous because of the unfair set up.
But also make offensive jokes to vent my frustration.
as far as venting your angry, I would suggest boxing, its a great stress relief.
Originally posted by shortcircuitNo, I'll blast whomever I like, it's just that it isn't justified....
It is one thing to ridicule something that someone had a choice in, but how is it fair if they had no say in it? That is point I am trying to make. You can blast someone for something they said or did, but not for being born.
Originally posted by rmackenSeriously man, if I wanted the Royal family off its throne, which is causing my frustration, boxing is going to do jack because my frustration would continue.
There is a difference between offensive and out of order.
as far as venting your angry, I would suggest boxing, its a great stress relief.
Originally posted by Bad wolfJust out of curiosity.....how long have you toiled in the work force and how much tax have you personally contibuted to the government's coffers? I will grant you that the taxation has gotten way out of hand, but in sheer tax dollars, I'll bet the wealthy and those who have been working many years longer than you, have placed many more dollars into the coffers and are far more justified in being hacked off than you are. Maybe you should wait until you have something stolen from you before you scream about how you were robbed.
I do that too...
Originally posted by Bad wolfTaking the micky out of people that have died is not funny.
Why does everyone care so much about her anyway?
She was born into a priveledged background for christ sake, bloody aristocrats, they get all of the attention. 😞
And here's me, a poor working class SOB being told I can't take the mick out of these poor priveledged pillacs.
It ain't fair. 🙁
Just image it was your relative, regardless of background. How would you feel?
Someone you love dies in an horrific way, and some idiotic moron thinks its funny to crack jokes about it.
Sorry but if it was my relative I would hunt you down and terminate you!!!!
By the way whats not fair is that you have a keyboard.
Have a nice day.
Originally posted by Bad wolfSo basically these people live their lives under a spot light to the extent that when they kiss a girl it's in the papers. When they get
I couldn't give a toss if she was a figurehead of the country, and I will stretch this further to the royal family.
They have not in any way earned their position, they have just inherited because of their position in society: I find this absolutely disgusting, and I will treat them with scorn as a result.
For any Royals here, I would like to say that y ...[text shortened]... oved from your throne, your funding from the government removed as well. You do not deserve it.
p!ssed it's in the papers. When they take a leak.......
So would you swap your life for that? They had no choice they were born into it.
You are wrong about tax payers paying for the RF. The tourisium they bring into the country far out ways the cost.
And if Australia cannot even win a vote to become a republic what chance do you have of even getting close?
Britain will remain a royalist country into the next millenium. It's one of the reasons Britain is what it is.
And by the way the Queen is not just a figure head for this country. Around 15% of the world has that honour. And CHOOSE to remain so.
God save the queen.
Originally posted by Bad wolfYou have a lot to learn, young grass hopper.
Seriously man, if I wanted the Royal family off its throne, which is causing my frustration, boxing is going to do jack because my frustration would continue.
It gets better as you get older, you are not paying council tax yet (as you have stated you live at home), or gas and electricity bills.
Andddd, wait until you see the payouts people in power give themselves.
AHHH, the joys of being a pee-on.
Venting your spleen on folks who have no choice in being what they are is the least of your worries, how is your brother these days (he is not thrashing you enough), have you started looking for a flat and a job yet, or is the tax I pay keeping you comfy?
Peace (only in moderation you understand).
Interesting that this conversation is in the "Best joke ever thread". I have a British question though. Just because I don't know were the expression came from. Can someone please tell me what they mean when they say "God save the Queen"? Are they expressing their desire that the Queen will become saved in a Christian spiritual sense or something?
Originally posted by Bad wolfI do not personally admire the royal family and think they are extremely lucky to get what they do, but my feelings end there. Possibly because of tourism they might actually produce a net profit for the country? (does anyone know this?). But in any case some people in life have to have extreme good luck as well as those who unfortunately have very bad luck. I am more concerned in what I have (or don't have at times) than getting wound up over what others have, which at the end of the day doesn't have any effect on my life at all (or yours unless you make it so by becoming bitter about it)
What annoys me about the royal family the most is that not only are these people upper class twonks, but also that they are using tax payers money to support them.
They have enormous amounts of money already!