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Cheaters spotted

Cheaters spotted


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Originally posted by Mephisto2
The fact is I don't believe you. Tosspot73 may or may not have to have ******** to do with you, but you deliberately played these silly games that many times with him. If not, you are even worse off than I thought. I strongly recommend you to start caring about things, including people and communities.
Whilst you lot are in the process of mud slinging, why dont you check out one of the accusers, who has been a member since 12/03/03 and yet has managed 128 games already, with numourous suspicious "resignations"

Games Played Rated Won Lost Drawn Moves In Progress Rating

128 127 123 2 3 3834 11 1931

Try looking yourself in the mirror before you go accusing others!!

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I'll have you know that Mephisto2 is a very strong player...when I was rated around 1400, and he around 1200, he beat me beautifully and rapidly. Brilliant game.

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Mr "Tosser"
(sorry, but you haven't signed off by any other name so thta's all I have to call you by. Then again, seeomg as you chose it I suppose it can't be offensive to you).

Anyway I really must ask, in a non-accusatory but confused way, why if you played many games against someone who was messing around (playing badly intentionally, and then resigning). That sounds most boing to me, and I personally wouldn't have invited such a player to play again. But that's me not you.


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Originally posted by Tosser
Normally I wouldnt waste my energy, but sometimes you just have to fight back! I couldnt really give monkey's wot redlentils thinks of me or my "morals" as I have done nothing wrong! I am, as he has noted, a paid up member of the site and have only recently got back into chess after a 12 year "absence" from the game and consider myself very much a novice ...[text shortened]... So why dont you crawl back under the stone you came from and stop jumping to conclusions!.....🙄
You're a joke. It's obvious that you and tosspot73 are the same. If you really want to boost your rating, you should take a lesson from 'ThreeFigs'. You need to create dozens of alternate egos and pair them off, with the winners of each pair playing each other and so on. Your primary ego, in this case 'tosser', would then play the other rating-inflated egos. As 'ThreeFigs' demonstrated, you can easily get into the top twenty before someone gets pissed enough to notify Russ and have your rating sent back down to 1200 (from the way you play, even this rating would be inflated). Cheers to you, 'tosser'! Happy cheating!

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Originally posted by Quirine
No not the same!

ICTWizz is the father of Cymro!
Then why would ICTWizz deliberately throw a series of rated games to boost his son's rating. Either they are the same person, or Cymro had access to ICTWizz's account. Whatever the explanation, the majority of their games were fake, and that makes Cymro a cheat, just like tosser, ThreeFigs, etc. I don't know what possesses these people, but this behavior shouldn't be rewarded. Players here should boycott the two of them, I know I will.

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What does everyone think about flushing the cheaters down the toilet!😏🙄😏🙄

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Originally posted by TimmyToilet
What does everyone think about flushing the cheaters down the toilet!😏🙄😏🙄
Why bother inflating the score if you can't play OTB and put a whoop on someone...

Plus I enjoy the games I have archived... each one has meaning... even the games I timed out. (perhaps not them)

I don't even like to talk about games in progress, let alone use a computer or "Chesterbate" a few games out to make the ranks go up.

I am no "chess hot shot" but I can beat almost anyone if I get a good run going, or am happy to go 40 moves with the best. I would have more pride in making someone move 20 extra times to mate me than I would lining up a bunch of games against myself to win.

Cheaters..... Bah! Flush it twice for me!

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Desperate,frustrated woodpushers !

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😴 As your all so keen to stand in moral judgement about others that you know nothing about, try explaning why "Toe" has played "Bin Laddish" no less than 40 times with 39 win, 1 loss record then!😠

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Originally posted by Tosser
Whilst you lot are in the process of mud slinging, why dont you check out one of the accusers, who has been a member since 12/03/03 and yet has managed 128 games already, with numourous suspicious "resignations"

Games Played Rated Won Lost Drawn Moves In Progress Rating

128 127 123 2 3 3834 11 1931

Try looking yourself in the mirror before you go accusing others!!
A beta grand tournament alone is 42 games (of which 40 completed). I will be more than happy to help you understand any 'suspicious resignation' that you see. Just post the game numbers in the Chess Only forum, and we can talk chess there.

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i have looked at the games ,and i've challenged him ,i am by no means a good player ,but also not the worse ,we'll see if he accepts my challenge ,i dont think he will,wish he would i'd maybe get my ratings up a bit

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Bring it on! 🙂

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Originally posted by Tosser
😴 As your all so keen to stand in moral judgement about others that you know nothing about, try explaning why "Toe" has played "Bin Laddish" no less than 40 times with 39 win, 1 loss record then!😠
The games played between Toe and Bin Laddish proceed, in some cases, to 40 moves or more. There are no quick resignations between the two, and no quick mates either. Your games with your alter-ego are of an entirely different nature, and you, tosser, are a cheat. You've been found out, tosser. I guess it's time for you to create another nick and start again.

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Originally posted by bbarr
The games played between Toe and Bin Laddish proceed, in some cases, to 40 moves or more. There are no quick resignations between the two, and no quick mates either. Your games with your alter-ego are of an entirely different nature, and you, tosser, are a cheat. You've been found out, tosser. I guess it's time for you to create another nick and start again.
that's the problem, tosser will go off create a new nick, come back on, create some more nicks and try to cover his tracks a bit better next time. But then if people really are that sad, then let them. They will be found out when they play someone with only a half decent rating

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Originally posted by Tosser
😴 As your all so keen to stand in moral judgement about others that you know nothing about, try explaning why "Toe" has played "Bin Laddish" no less than 40 times with 39 win, 1 loss record then!😠
Your name was mentioned a couple times in this thread... now every time someone mentions a cheater you defend your name... sounds like you are cheating since you are going so far to defend your name.

Say you don't cheat... say it. I'll believe you.

You sound worse since you keep pointing fingers at others rather than saying how it turned out people think you cheat. What happened??????

Cheaters stink.... do you?

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