@yo-its-me saidI've simply been trying to explain what the line of thinking is behind the national parliament's vote to ban extra-/pre-marital sex, the topic in the OP.
This thread took a weird turn
Everybody says they want more diversity. Until they come upon a group of people whose views (usually about sex) are different from their own. We have seen it a lot recently in Quatar.
Then its 'oh we must enlighten these backward thinking folks so they can be like us.'
So that would be less diversity.
@fmf saidI'm talking about if you would have met your wife if the same laws were in place that's going to be implemented.
I don't give two hoots whether you see Kevin Eleven the same way as I do. You are asking me to talk about me having sex with my wife. Perhaps you should go play with him rather than me.
Since you seem so keen on defending it.
I think that's a reasonable conversation.
@the-gravedigger saidMaybe we think we're tolerant, enlightened, but we're not.
Everybody says they want more diversity. Until they come upon a group of people whose views (usually about sex) are different from their own. We have seen it a lot recently in Quatar.
Then its 'oh we must enlighten these backward thinking folks so they can be like us.'
So that would be less diversity.
We've all got beliefs we hold dear and it's impossible to shake them, accepting other peoples held beliefs though: that I think we can do, but it's not easy.
And so many things affect how we think, it's hard to get a real perspective of everything that influences us.
@trev33 saidAnd still you persist. I am not interested in discussing my wife with you, get it? Not how I met her, not when we first had sex, not whether we would have been willing to break a hypothetical law 30 years ago. Not interested. Please desist.
I'm talking about if you would have met your wife if the same laws were in place that's going to be implemented.
@fmf saidOr what.
And still you persist. I am not interested in discussing my wife with you, get it? Not how I met her, not when we first had sex, not whether we would have been willing to break a hypothetical law 30 years ago. Not interested. Please desist.
you are drawing it out and acting like a victim. if you don't want to answer the question about how you would have broken the law then don't. don't draw it out.