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Banned? For that?

He should have been knighted.

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Originally posted by Crowley
Well this really shot THAT moronic belief of TSM to shreds, eh?
We will see.


Originally posted by cashthetrash
We will see.
What is there to see?

Red Night and his band of moronic zealots tried to convince everyone who had the misfortune of reading one of their posts that being in the PFC meant you were immune from any form of ban.
Everybody knows that half the PFC have received forum bans in the past and now a PFC member has been banned from the site.

This means:
1) Being in the PFC has no special site perks - except if you count good friends and many lulz as a perk.
2) Red Night is a ________________________
Come on cashey, I KNOW you can figure this one out on your own...

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Originally posted by Sam The Sham
Oh....so it's true, Crowley is a mod?

One of the reasons I didn't renew my subscription. I wouldn't give a cent to a site that allows someone like you to be a moderator.
However you still freeload and give your time.

Does that mean you time isn't even worth a cent?

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It's a shame about Darvlay. I find this sudden harshness towards a little used second account curious; we all know that there are users with a second account being allowed on RHP (Lolette for example). I recall the Fingolfin case where a second account was given a warning by Russ in the forums rather than being immediately banned. Why Darv was treated differently is a good question.

EDIT: http://www.redhotpawn.com/board/showthread.php?threadid=16944&page=24

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
LMAO! Of course, it's not "helpful" to point out inconsistencies in the way a policy is enforced.

I don't waste my time with Feedback; a casual reader of these forums knows of numerous multiple accounts. I mentioned one that has admitted being one and still is on the site. There are plenty of others.

I didn't say anything was "acceptable" or not. I merely question the harshness of a decision to permanently ban a long time subscriber who was also an active poster and a reasonably well liked member of the community. Of course, the Site Admins can do whatever they want.

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
Yes, 2004 is "ancient history". However, in those far off times, the Site Admin confronted someone using a second account and merely warned them. And that user was using his second account to lobby against the creation of the Game Mods for some reason. I suppose context is something you can't be bothered with.

You're an abusive piece of crap, aren't you? First, I don't run this site, so I'm unable to do anything about double accounts. If I was King of RHP, I guess I'd consider why the double account was created when I decided what to do about it. Second, calling Darv "my buddy" is a bit of a laugh; we crossed swords on these forums many times. Of course, he wasn't as big of a prick as you, but really who (besides RN ) is here? Third, I don't see you attacking other posters who have questioned Darv's banning as "bleating". You really should get over your petty personal vendetta against me, little man; if you don't agree with the points I raised, you should give reasons why, rather than immediately lapsing into "attack dog" mode. Grow up, twerp.

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
Unfortunately even when reported they are left and the old crapola about privacy used.

In the case of User 227299 she was happy to play under her name and sign herself in the forums for two years. She then claimed privacy as her name was involved and started a new account User 431957.

Its about time the TOS were updated as they are not enforced and bear no resemblance to what actually happens on the site.

Maybe they should just be amended to read

Are you possibly willing to play chess and possiblly willing to write in the forums?

If so, welcome to RHP.

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
"Victim" card played. Here's what you said:

CFT: When users such as yourself claim to know that other users are double-accounting but do nothing about it then start bleating because your little buddy broke the rules and claim the decision was 'harsh', it sounds like you're the one being inconsistent.

You're full of crap to pretend that this isn't an attack post; it's abusive for no good reason given the tenor of my previous posts. Don't start flinging and then act outraged when you get hit back.

The info I got was that Darv was banned for multiple accounts. The source I received that from is more credible than you (though that in and of itself isn't saying much). Absent the "banned list", I don't know for sure what he was banned for. Neither do you. Darv got pretty frequent forum bans, but I'm unaware of any other infraction that would warrant a permanent banning from the site. If you have info to the contrary, please share.

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