@badradger saidWhat's the alternative policy Gary Lineker and his footballing friends are putting forward?
it wont fly anyway
@zahlanzi saidHe played the "Hitler Card". That makes him a fool and an embarrassment. In a counterproductive way, he's damaged the BBC and that will delight the Tories. Pushing back against the UK government's policy has most likely been undermined. All because of some historically illiterate celebrity narcissism.
That being said, good on him for having a decent stance on the matter.
@zahlanzi saidIt is a free speech issue, The beeb has become a Tory government mouthpiece,they hate anyone in the media disagreeing with tory policies.The refugee issue is all smoke and mirrors to blnd the public from the problems really hurting the British public.
It's not a free speech issue. It's a "piss off your employer and suffer the consequences" issue.
That being said, good on him for having a decent stance on the matter.
@badradger saidThe refugee issue is real. They are actual human beings. The plan to send tens of thousands of them to one of Africa's poorest countries is a humanitarian crisis. The Tories are using the problems that are really hurting the British public to, in part, justify an atrocious policy.
The refugee issue is all smoke and mirrors to blnd the public from the problems really hurting the British public.
14 Mar 23
-Removed-The tory government have made sure there are no legal routes for certain immigrant , no legal route, so to risk life and limb in small boats to get here is a desperate action....tory boy it just doesnt fit your ideology.anyway it is pointless arguing with you ,youre a hypocrite and everone on RHP knows it..