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Originally posted by roma45
i thought you might be interested in what others players think about your answer.
one in perticular, who would gladly inflict torture. shes absent probably waiting for you to agree with her.
My interactions with you began with me finding you to be one of the more reasonable posters with thoughtful, intelligent insight who actually listens to others' points of views and refrains from insulting.

Oops. Got you wrong.

So now I would "gladly inflict torture?"

Let the people decide if that is what I said.

I don't need others to agree with me. My opinions are my own. And it seems to me that since my point of view was not your point of view, you have tossed me to the wind and decided to paraphase and misrepresent my thoughts on a very sensitive and difficult subject of which I was just honestly weighing in.

So be it.

3 edits

Originally posted by Startreader
Not sure what prompted that strange post.

To translate: "run your mouth" = "speak freely"?

Like Radio, whose personal perspective and background offered us a most moving insight, I have a personal perspective here. My father fought throughout the First World War, was severely wounded, recovered and went back, was awarded the highest medal for ext ...[text shortened]... ed with some comments here.

And I'm not even going to talk about waterboarding or Guantanamo.
I am sorry to hear of your personal history and the underlying pain associated with it. Not one of us is exempt from having a history that formulates our perspectives. We are all in the same boat. But you and some other posters in here have not only a problem distinguishing what is real about America and what is not, but you also seem to misdirect your criticism of our government at the posters in here - the citizens/soldiers of our country. The disdain I see in this forum for America is startling. We are a young nation, relatively speaking, and have done much good in the world through our ingenuity, technological advances, medical research, tremendous innovations, etc...all of which your nations have benefited tenfold. Not to mention music, theater, the arts, etc. We do not hesitate when there is a natural disaster or crisis to send whatever is needed to assist. We will be criticized until the cows come home but then when someone needs us, guess who they call. Have we arrived towards the end of some conflicts? Perhaps. As has your country. And there are a plethora of reasons why. Have we arrived first? Over and over again. Damned if we do, damned if we don't

Your country is not perfect. Sorry to say. Neither is Scotland, Australian, France, Germany, etc. Each nation has blemishes on its "record." Each nation has been on the wrong side of history at times with bad policies, corruption, self-serving motives. You'd never know that listening to some of you sing your own praises while condemning America.

If I met a Scottish, British, French, or Australian soldier, to name a few, in this forum or otherwise...I would have NOTHING but respect. I would thank them for their service. They are an ally of ours. They are helping to preserve our freedoms. I would not hold them accountable for any past transgressions of their governments. I would respect their opinions (but perhaps disagree) on whatever topic is being discussed. They, of all people, hold the ultimate right to speak freely as they are the ultimate fighters of freedom of speech.

The insults and cold treatment of the soldier in this forum speaks volumes about some of you. That man and many of your soldiers stand a good chance of being involved in defeating these savages that are running wild. And barely a word of encouragement or gratitude to him. He also has a history, much like you, and a reason for doing, saying, acting as he does. He, and others like him, are willing to lay down their lives to protect YOUR way of life. And what went on here? Insults. Deafening silence - except for one class act poster who publicly went to bat for him.


Originally posted by Landisqueen170
I am sorry to hear of your personal history and the underlying pain associated with it. Not one of us is exempt from having a history that formulates our perspectives. We are all in the same boat. But you and some other posters in here have not only a problem distinguishing what is real about America and what is not, but you also seem to misdirect you ...[text shortened]... ? Insults. Deafening silence - except for one class act poster who publicly went to bat for him.
You do know Scottish soldiers are British soldiers? Scotland is part of Great Britain. Scots soldiers fight for Queen and country just the same as those from Wales, Northern Ireland and England!

As to the rest, I think you've misunderstood some of what's gone on.

As for my own words, I was talking about the traditional view of America from two world wars, and given that I was quoting my father, who as I said fought in the first, you would have seen that logically I was talking of a much older and long gone generation.


Originally posted by Landisqueen170
My interactions with you began with me finding you to be one of the more reasonable posters with thoughtful, intelligent insight who actually listens to others' points of views and refrains from insulting.

Oops. Got you wrong.

So now I would "gladly inflict torture?"

Let the people decide if that is what I said.

I don't need others to agr ...[text shortened]... on a very sensitive and difficult subject of which I was just honestly weighing in.

So be it.
i am listening to your point of view. you came up with a situation were if i had to choice between torturing a barbaric monster [your words] or my family and thousands would die.

i gave a honest answer, to me all human life is equal in value, god will judge them not me, you even posted in refferance "OH HELL YES" using capitals to cement your approval. you basically called me a liar saying no one would pick over their family...read your own posts before you play the victim.

okay imagine a nuke will go off in 10 hours the only person knowing the code is one of your family? would you gladly torture them for the greater good?

do you think our soldiers know all our plan? its the same with the enemy, a need to know basis, most poor sods tortured know very little,

i know someone who was tortured, his story would break your heart, the physical scars are horrendous but nothing compares to his mental state of mind, if you met him i dont think you would be in favour of torture, no matter whats at stake.

make comments about my intelligence if you want to bring it down a level, just shows me what type a person you are.

i thank god every day i have not got a character like you


Originally posted by Startreader
You do know Scottish soldiers are British soldiers? Scotland is part of Great Britain. Scots soldiers fight for Queen and country just the same as those from Wales, Northern Ireland and England!

As to the rest, I think you've misunderstood some of what's gone on.

As for my own words, I was talking about the traditional view of America from two wor ...[text shortened]... irst, you would have seen that logically I was talking of a much older and long gone generation.
Sorry...I was editing much on that last post because it was written from my phone which I rarely do and don't do very well. Saw my error but ran out of edits. lol Guess you only get three.

I guess I am guilty of misunderstanding then. I am sure in real life, some opinions would be expressed more effectively. Including mine.


Originally posted by roma45
i am listening to your point of view. you came up with a situation were if i had to choice between torturing a barbaric monster [your words] or my family and thousands would die.

i gave a honest answer, to me all human life is equal in value, god will judge them not me, you even posted in refferance "OH HELL YES" using capitals to cement your approval. you ...[text shortened]... hows me what type a person you are.

i thank god every day i have not got a character like you
This started out as a friendly exchange of thoughts until you felt the need to "dumb" things down for me a few posts ago.

You further decided that it was ok to portray me as someone who would "gladly inflict torture."

It is you who caused the onset of our discussion disintegrating, not I. But I am not without fault. So I apologize for the tone of my last post. I could have handled that better.

I explained my emotions, given recent events, have caused me to arrive at my current position in a VERY specific situation, which quite frankly, I wished I had never used because it is a dumb scenerio. Perhaps when my heart settles, I will feel differently about the scenerio I described, but not presently. I am too upset about the Paris massacre. But please do not misrepresent/ exaggerate my position and paint me with such a broad brush.
I have never seen one episode of "24" in the ten or so years that it was on. I am not a violent person, nor am I am unreasonable one.

Perhaps you could have used your insight/position to give me food for thought. I am not a closed minded person and I am able to listen to others' viewpoints respectfully and consider them.

At this point, I don't think you really care to hear my honest replies to your questions, so I will refrain. I think you just want to a pick a fight with me. If I have that wrong, feel free to correct me.


Originally posted by Landisqueen170
This started out as a friendly exchange of thoughts until you felt the need to "dumb" things down for me a few posts ago.

You further decided that it was ok to portray me as someone who would "gladly inflict torture."

It is you who caused the onset of our discussion disintegrating, not I. But I am not without fault. So I apologize for the ton ...[text shortened]... I think you just want to a pick a fight with me. If I have that wrong, feel free to correct me.
your the last person i want to fall out with, i was just really surprised by your answer, we are fighting a horrible enemy in isis, i would love to see them wiped out, but not by lowering ourselves to their standards. if we want to be better than them we must prove we are.
the CIA spent $80 000 000 on interrorgation, what they learned could be found out by other means, read the usa congress report, easy to find.
torture does not get imformation that is useful, torture is used for fear and revenge.i know a torture victim, not a happy story.

if i upset you i am truely sorry.


Originally posted by roma45
your the last person i want to fall out with, i was just really surprised by your answer, we are fighting a horrible enemy in isis, i would love to see them wiped out, but not by lowering ourselves to their standards. if we want to be better than them we must prove we are.
the CIA spent $80 000 000 on interrorgation, what they learned could be found out by o ...[text shortened]... ear and revenge.i know a torture victim, not a happy story.

if i upset you i am truely sorry.
Olive branch accepted 🙂

I agree with you on torture. I do not want to reduce ourselves to such levels of barbarism. We recently sent 50 our our finest soldiers to Syria, and I can't bear to imagine if they are captured over there and the horrors that will incur. And to make matters worse, filming them will surely be a part of it all. It's a new day. Sadly.

Let's scratch my example because it is not real world. It is only in the movies. My feelings are like yours in 99.999% of instances of captured prisoners. I reserve the right to hold onto that very tiny percentage and keep thinking on it. Sorry? lol


Originally posted by radioactive69
Is there a playing fair in war?

You certainly taught the Japs that there's not. 200,00 civilian women and children can vouch for that

Oh....sorry .....they can't.......they're were incinerated by your nuclear bombs.
We warned them. And when the anniversary came up and they asked for an apology, I am so grateful America said NO. It was war. We defended ourselves and our children. End of story for me. I waited a while, and people in here who have far more knowledge then they are saying because they are humble but finally had enough and spoke up.

Other then Faith who is a hero to me, there is another person in here that could lecture you all and you have no clue the sacrifice this person has made. None. But unlike you, this person has class and has been trying to have a conversation that is half way normal. The person doesn't realize that in here, it is almost impossible. When it comes to our country, and most importantly the soldiers who allow my daughter to be safe, I don't care what they have to do in order to stay safe and stop the evil that is going on as I type this.

The person other then Faith I am speaking of who I also believe is a hero along with his or her family, lived all of this daily for 25 years plus. I will respect this persons privacy. But try listening instead of attacking. I respect your opinion but when it comes to our soldiers, they come first. And again, I will thank Faith for his or her service and I will also thank this other person for his or her service along with his or her family. Far better people then me.

1 edit

Originally posted by Startreader
You do know Scottish soldiers are British soldiers? Scotland is part of Great Britain. Scots soldiers fight for Queen and country just the same as those from Wales, Northern Ireland and England!

As to the rest, I think you've misunderstood some of what's gone on.

As for my own words, I was talking about the traditional view of America from two wor ...[text shortened]... irst, you would have seen that logically I was talking of a much older and long gone generation.
Scottish soldiers fight for Scotland 😀
No Scotsman is british (pukes at the thought) unless he wishes deportation from gods country 😛


Originally posted by Mctayto
[b]Scottish soldiers fight for Scotland 😀
No Scotsman is british (pukes at the thought) unless he wishes deportation from gods country 😛[/b]
OMG i actually agree with you, must be the first


Originally posted by roma45
OMG i actually agree with you, must be the first
Nonetheless, Scotland voted No to independence, and St Andrew's Cross remains part of the Union Jack or Union Flag.

I understand your patriotism, no less than that of Wales or Northern Ireland, and it's good that each of us is loyal to our own country or area within Great Britain. 🙂


Originally posted by VESPIN
We warned them. And when the anniversary came up and they asked for an apology, I am so grateful America said NO. It was war. We defended ourselves and our children. End of story for me. I waited a while, and people in here who have far more knowledge then they are saying because they are humble but finally had enough and spoke up.

Other then Faith who ...[text shortened]... is other person for his or her service along with his or her family. Far better people then me.
defending yourselves from innocent civilians? bomb them all...great idea, what a jerk you really are.

sorry i already knew that..


Originally posted by Startreader
Nonetheless, Scotland voted No to independence, and St Andrew's Cross remains part of the Union Jack or Union Flag.

I understand your patriotism, no less than that of Wales or Northern Ireland, and it's good that each of us is loyal to our own country or area within Great Britain. 🙂
the vote was YES....the torys rigged the ballot,


Originally posted by Mctayto
[b]Scottish soldiers fight for Scotland 😀
No Scotsman is british (pukes at the thought) unless he wishes deportation from gods country 😛[/b]
Royal Marines ,Parachute regiment ,Guards ,Royal Navy etc .
Plenty of Scots serve in those regiments , best get the sick bag out mr potato.😳

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