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how do you get like bruce lee?

how do you get like bruce lee?


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Originally posted by blakbuzzrd
Why do I feel like I'm reading a post from rec.martial.arts?

I take it you aren't going to actually engage here.
And I take it you are not going to come to Las Vegas to share with us from your vast well of knowledge. We are all very saddened. I'm off this site. Hopefully, I can find someone who will put his money where his mouth is.

"They who plague people with words are many nowadays;
while those who teach or are taught by actions are very few".
St. Maximus
The Confesssor.

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"People spread it pretty thick."
Gluteus Maximus
The Professor

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Originally posted by vietnam vet
I'm off this site.
Leaving so soon? You've been here two weeks!

Forget "Sifu" -- I think you should go by Grandmaster Flash.

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Originally posted by blakbuzzrd
I'm not saying little guys can't beat up big guys. Would I want to walk up and take a swing at Mikio Yahara? No way. There are of course exceptions to the rule -- but they are, by and large, exceptions.

Street fighting an art form? Maybe in West Side Story, or the video to "Beat It." I don't see it, otherwise.
There is a street fighting art form. It was developed many years ago in Brazil. The Gracie system is the most well known. They take from the Martial Arts only what really works in a real fight. There's a lot of Ju Jitsu involved where they take their opponent to the ground forcing him to fight off his back then use submission holds to submit. A real street fighter doesn't stand and throw punches. He takes you down. It's hard to throw a punch when you're on your back. I know that Viet Vet practices all these forms of MA.

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..the "brasilian" martial arts were brought to brasil by a japanese master who broke his oath never to reveal the technique for training...a promise he
made personally to the emperor...( you have to be old japanese to understand the weight of such a promise..none of you living today would
understand the gravity of this )...but he betrayed his promise and taught the brasilians....they have never become dominating world champions in the martial arts...they want to leave the mat to party....the japanese want to leave the mat with honor...

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Originally posted by wormwood
doesn't take years of psychobabble training either.
It doesn't have to take years. And the "psychobabble" is part of the Asian influence. Ever listen to a chess master reviewing a game he just won?........That's babbling!

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Originally posted by smw6869
...And the "psychobabble" is part of the Asian influence.
try californian new age hippies mystifying the east and you'll hit a lot closer to home. you think steven segal is 'deep' just because he studied aikido in japan and makes a lot of noise about the 'spirituality' of it all? well that's about as deep as it gets. shallow morons trying to set up a facade of depth. a thing which no person with even a hint of depth would ever do.

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Originally posted by smw6869
There is a street fighting art form. It was developed many years ago in Brazil. The Gracie system is the most well known. They take from the Martial Arts only what really works in a real fight. There's a lot of Ju Jitsu involved where they take their opponent to the ground forcing him to fight off his back then use submission holds to submit. A real street f ...[text shortened]... hrow a punch when you're on your back. I know that Viet Vet practices all these forms of MA.
A fighting system (leaving that questionable concept unquestioned for the moment) does not an art make.

What's the difference between an art and a system or a technique?

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Originally posted by blakbuzzrd
A fighting system (leaving that questionable concept unquestioned for the moment) does not an art make.

What's the difference between an art and a system or a technique?
OK, Call it a fighting system. I'm not a Martial Artist, but i enjoy watching Mixed Martial Arts competition. They take from all systems and use only what really works. The Spirituality thing is about focus, concentration, relaxation, removing fear etc. i would think.

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Originally posted by wormwood
try californian new age hippies mystifying the east and you'll hit a lot closer to home. you think steven segal is 'deep' just because he studied aikido in japan and makes a lot of noise about the 'spirituality' of it all? well that's about as deep as it gets. shallow morons trying to set up a facade of depth. a thing which no person with even a hint of depth would ever do.
Now Wormy, your getting your panties in an uproar over nothing. I certainly don't think Segal is deep.Actually , he seems very shallow to me. I really don't know anything about Calif. hippies. I've never been to the land of fruits and nuts.

Do you know what farmers use wormwood for? I'm sure you do know, actually.

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Originally posted by smw6869
I really don't know anything about Calif. hippies. I've never been to the land of fruits and nuts.

Do you know what farmers use wormwood for? I'm sure you do know, actually.
Yes, they use it to make Absinthe. Then they get all pissed, and beat the crap out of douchebags that make fun of California.

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Originally posted by reinfeld
..the "brasilian" martial arts were brought to brasil by a japanese master who broke his oath never to reveal the technique for training...a promise he
made personally to the emperor...( you have to be old japanese to understand the weight of such a promise..none of you living today would
understand the gravity of this )...but he betrayed his promise and ...[text shortened]... arts...they want to leave the mat to party....the japanese want to leave the mat with honor...
HaHaHa! That's a good one. Well, i certainly hope they beat him about the head and shoulders with his wet noodle.

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Originally posted by Ice Cold
Yes, they use it to make Absinthe. Then they get all pissed, and beat the crap out of douchebags that make fun of California.
Yes, it is used to make Absinthe, but farmers also grow it and hang it in their stables to keep the flies off the cow crap. Seems the wormwood smells even grosser to them (the flies) than the crap. They smell it, get drunk and fall dead.

And, Ah. you may want to stop wearing those cheap Chinese silk panties that get all twisted up when your gonads are in an uproar.

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Originally posted by smw6869
Yes, it is used to make Absinthe, but farmers also grow it and hang it in their stables to keep the flies off the cow crap. Seems the wormwood smells even grosser to them (the flies) than the crap. They smell it, get drunk and fall dead.

And, Ah. you may want to stop wearing those cheap Chinese silk panties that get all twisted up when your gonads are in an uproar.
Ah, very good, I go commando. Ah ha ha

The answer to the thread question is: Find a qualified sifu, then do nothing but work out for the next 20 years.

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Originally posted by Ice Cold
Ah, very good, I go commando. Ah ha ha

The answer to the thread question is: Find a qualified sifu, then do nothing but work out for the next 20 years.
But, couldn't you work out for 20 years and then look like Arnold?

The correct answer is: Get a new set of genes.

Now, eat a bean and be on your way.

And if you don't think the new age hippies( not Calif.) aren't fruits and nuts maybe you've had your head kicked too much.

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