09 Mar 21
@earl-of-trumps saidSecretary's Day?
Actually, the US has Valentines Day that acts like a women's day. I mean, the women don't really reciprocate here.
So we have Valentines Day, Mother's Day, Secretary's Day. I know, I know, not enough lol
@divegeester said"You seem to enjoy playing the “victim card almost as much as the “aliens ate my posting principles” card."
Why would you feel like that? It’s a good day in the calendar and an opportunity to recognise the females of our species for their achievements and contributions to all aspects of society.
And now we see the reason for your subterfuge here. You just wanted me to bite so you could whip this one out of the recesses of your mind where, apparently, your version of me lives rent-free.
@relentless-red saidAs a matter of interest, do you plan to listen to Hakima's radio programme about International Women's Day?
Thought secretary was a job rather than a gender?
09 Mar 21
@torunn saidWell, I have to say, torunn, Secretary's day may be falling out of favor these days, because it stereotypes women as secretaries.
Secretary's Day?
Secretary’s Day falls on April 22. While Secretary’s Day was the original name of
this holiday, the more PC term “Administrative Professionals’ Day” is now preferred.
But I don't follow the latest in PC trends so I don't really know.
There are many men now who are secretaries. It was once dominated by women.
Same as some jobs that were considered male only jobs are being done by women.
This is why I have said in this thread women have made advancements. Of course it would be silly to say they are there yet, but it is better than it was even 20-30 years ago. The sex harassment may never disappear completely in our life time depending on your age. I know I will not live to see it.
09 Mar 21
@very-rusty saidThere are hardly any secretaries left - like dinosaurs.
There are many men now who are secretaries. I was once dominated by women.
Same as some jobs that were considered male only jobs are being done by women.
This is why I have said in this thread women have made advancements. Of course it would be silly to say they are there yet, but it is better than it was even 20-30 years ago. The sex harassment may never disappear completely in our life time depending on your age. I know I will not live to see it.
@very-rusty saidUsing apostrophes to signify plurals just reeks of jeans shorts and dirt driveways.
Aren't they called receptionist's now?
You have both male and female.
Just say no.