jimslyp forum killing champion

jimslyp forum killing champion


Felis Australis


20 Jan 09
28 Apr 13

Points to ponder:
1. jimslyp no longer exists (we may know his new name, but that's not the point).
2. the usual suspects bob up over and over again, only varied by the occasional forum ban.
3. being a thread killer is not necessarily a bad thing - at least it proves that you read and post in a forum. Prolixity and silence both kill threads.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
28 Apr 13
2 edits

Originally posted by Kewpie

Points to ponder:
1. jimslyp no longer exists (we may know his new name, but that's not the point).
2. the usual suspects bob up over and over again, only varied by the occasional forum ban.
3. being a thread killer is not necessarily a bad thing - at least it proves that you read and post in a forum. Prolixity and silence both kill threads.
Definite Thumbs Up! Appreciate your clever use of verbs to court nouns in tow by casual inference, a lost art form for sure. "Prolixity and silence both kill threads", also, rings true. My take would include the notion that 'Objectivity Trumps Intellectual Laziness' (self justified by familiarity verging on propinquity which, invariably, leads to all kinds of attractive temptation). Thanks, Kewpie. Once again you've raise this forum's standards.

Constant Gardener

The Plot

07 Aug 12
23 Jun 13



22 Apr 05
26 Jun 13

The post that was quoted here has been removed
indeed. Maybe next week (covering two month then...)



22 Apr 05
03 Jul 13
1 edit

Originally posted by Ponderable
indeed. Maybe next week (covering two month then...)
Actually statistics for three month (Feb to April):

February: 60 threads killed

Thread Killing Champ:
Grampy Bobby 20 (quota 33 % )
joint runners up:
GreatBigStees and johnnylongwoody: 6

5: Kewpie, apathist
2: ketchuplover, mikelom, kevcvs57, Ponderable
1: ChessPraxis, HandyAndy, drewnogal, lolof, caissad4, JS357, Silverstriker, Suzianne, divegester, FMF

honourable mentions: mikelom managed to kill one thread with the first post
Silverstriker killed a thread with 150 posts

March 73 threads killed

Thread Killing Champ:
Grampy Bobby 15 (21 % )

runner up:
Great Big Stees 10

3rd Place: johnnylongwoody 6

5: Kewpie, Ponderable
4: Suzianne
3: mikelom
2: karoly aczel, lolof, kevcvs57
1: rookie54, divegester, FreakyKBH, roasted porkchop, Frank Burns, Blacknighst, Very Rusty, Rank outsider, billyray, neilarini, chinanzio, drewnogal, Trev33, coquette, Soothfast, HandyAndy, Sicilian Sausage, JS357, fred garcia

honourable mentions: fred garcia managed to kill a thread with the first post.

April 49 killed threads

Thread Killing Champ:
Ponderable 7 (14 % )

runner up: Grampy Bobby 6

3: divegester, Suzianne, JS357, fred garcia
2: mikelom, sonhouse, GreatBigStees, caissad4, robbie carrobie, Very Rusty asromacalcio
1: Johnnylongwoody, RevRSleeker, Soothfast, HandyAndy, orangutan, drewnogal, NoearthlyReason, tsloan, johnnight1

Honourable mentions: GBS killed a thread with 113 posts
fred garcia killed a thread with the first post.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
04 Jul 13
1 edit

Originally posted by Ponderable
Actually statistics for three month (Feb to April):

February: 60 threads killed

Thread Killing Champ:
Grampy Bobby 20 (quota 33 % )
joint runners up:
GreatBigStees and johnnylongwoody: 6

5: Kewpie, apathist
2: ketchuplover, mikelom, kevcvs57, Ponderable
1: ChessPraxis, HandyAndy, drewnogal, lolof, caissad4, JS357, Silverstriker, Suzianne, d ...[text shortened]... e mentions: GBS killed a thread with 113 posts
fred garcia killed a thread with the first post.
TKC Analysis:

20..... 15..... 6 = an improving trend.

......... -5.... -9---> -13 next time = -7 (6-13)

Keep up the good work, Ponderable! LOL



22 Apr 05
04 Jul 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
TKC Analysis:

20..... 15..... 6 = an improving trend.

......... -5.... -9---> -13 next time = [b]-7

Keep up the good work, Ponderable! LOL[/b]
Already 4 for May and more to come...

Felis Australis


20 Jan 09
04 Jul 13

Seems I managed to go missing in April ....

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
04 Jul 13

Originally posted by Kewpie
Seems I managed to go missing in April ....
That's #101, Kewpie.



22 Apr 05
05 Aug 13

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
TKC Analysis:

20..... 15..... 6 = an improving trend.

......... -5.... -9---> -13 next time = [b]-7

Keep up the good work, Ponderable! LOL[/b]
Results for May:

85 threads killed.

Thread Killing champ: Grampy Bobby 29 (34,1 % )

Joint runners up: Johnnylongwoody and vandervelde 6 each.

5: Great Big Stees and Kewpie
4: ketchuplover and drewnogal
2: Ponderable, Sicilian Sausage, Robbie carrobbie, Suzianne, divegester, Chess Praxis
1: Russ, Matt the Hoople, drdon, mikelom, caissad4, Zamboner, Elij mather, stellspalfie, greenpawn34, HandyAndy, sonhouse, smw6869, lolof, KilgoreTrout15.

Honourable mentions: GB managed to kill a thread after 188 Posts.
GB, Elij mather and KilgoreTrout15 managed to kill threads with the first Posts.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
05 Aug 13
2 edits

Originally posted by Ponderable
Results for May:

85 threads killed.

Thread Killing champ: Grampy Bobby 29 (34,1 % )

Joint runners up: Johnnylongwoody and vandervelde 6 each.

5: Great Big Stees and Kewpie
4: ketchuplover and drewnogal
2: Ponderable, Sicilian Sausage, Robbie carrobbie, Suzianne, divegester, Chess Praxis
1: Russ, Matt the Hoople, drdon, mikelom, caissad4, Za ...[text shortened]... ter 188 Posts.
GB, Elij mather and KilgoreTrout15 managed to kill threads with the first Posts.
"Results for May: Thread Killing champ: Grampy Bobby 29 [111, 252 and 100 posts]; Joint runners up: Johnnylongwoody and vandervelde 6 each; 5: Great Big Stees and Kewpie; 4: ketchuplover and drewnogal [407 posts]; 2: Ponderable, Sicilian Sausage, Robbie carrobbie, Suzianne, divegester, Chess Praxis; 1: Russ, Matt the Hoople, drdon, mikelom, caissad4, Zamboner, Elij mather, stellspalfie, greenpawn34, HandyAndy, sonhouse, smw6869, lolof, KilgoreTrout15."

Note: Of twenty seven (27) "May Thread Killers", two were also responsible for conversational threads with both volume and degrees of longevity: gb and drewnogal. In my view, the cause of this forum's gradual decline is disinterest in conversation.

Edit: This limited review is based on pages 1-5 (June 24 to today, August 5, 2013 or 42 days/the past 6 weeks).

Felis Australis


20 Jan 09
06 Aug 13

Much as I appreciate Ponderable's efforts to bring the numbers to us in an orderly manner, I don't think the numbers being collected are the really important ones.

Such as:
People who made the last post in a dead thread more than 100 posts long.
People who made the last post in a dead thread more than 15 posts long.

If the thread didn't reach 15 posts (one single page) it didn't deserve to live, and no credit or blame attaches to its last contributor.

That means very few threads would actually be involved in the statistics reported, and I suspect the results would be quite different. For example, I could go round all the moribund threads on day 50, posting something unanswerable and unlikely to trigger any response. My name would be all over the place, and I'd show up as chief threadkiller, when the truth would be that I'd just kicked the corpse.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
06 Aug 13

Originally posted by Kewpie
Much as I appreciate Ponderable's efforts to bring the numbers to us in an orderly manner, I don't think the numbers being collected are the really important ones.

Such as:
People who made the last post in a dead thread more than 100 posts long.
People who made the last post in a dead thread more than 15 posts long.

If the thread didn't reach 15 posts ...[text shortened]... 'd show up as chief threadkiller, when the truth would be that I'd just kicked the corpse.
"... posting something unanswerable... "

... and/or definitive. Insightful; thanks.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
06 Aug 13

Originally posted by Kewpie
Much as I appreciate Ponderable's efforts to bring the numbers to us in an orderly manner, I don't think the numbers being collected are the really important ones.

Such as:
People who made the last post in a dead thread more than 100 posts long.
People who made the last post in a dead thread more than 15 posts long.

If the thread didn't reach 15 posts ...[text shortened]... 'd show up as chief threadkiller, when the truth would be that I'd just kicked the corpse.
"If the thread didn't reach 15 posts (one single page) it didn't deserve to live... "

There are presently seventy four (74) threads with fewer than 15 posts on pages 1-5
of this forum or nearly 50% of the 150 thread total (5x30). Topic Quality or WAG?

Felis Australis


20 Jan 09
06 Aug 13
1 edit

There is a place for short threads in the General forum, as there is a place for long threads, and repetitive threads, and word-association threads, and word game threads, and poetry threads, and Spanish threads, etc etc etc. That's irrelevant; what we're discussing in this thread is the counting of "thread killer" people.

If the thread is less than 15 posts long when it dies, whatever it was about, then it didn't die because someone killed it, it died because the subject matter wasn't interesting to enough posters.

So why would anyone want to claim credit for finishing off any creature which wasn't viable in the first place?

It's quite a different matter when the thread has proved its viability. To kill a seriously strong thread is a whole new ballgame when it comes to killing ability.

Ponderable, do you have any thoughts on this topic?

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