jimslyp forum killing champion

jimslyp forum killing champion




22 Apr 05
06 Aug 13
1 edit

Originally posted by Kewpie
Ponderable, do you have any thoughts on this topic?
I do.

I have looked up the relevant data:

Thread Killing in May (as opposed to kicking corpses):

Threads killed: 35

thread killing Champion: GB 17 (48.6 % )

Joint runners-up: vandervelde and Great Big stees 3

also run:
2: Johnnylongwoody, Silcilian Sausage
1: Ponderable, drdon, Zamboner, Kewpie, ktchuplover, stellspallfie, drewnogal, lolof.

If we compare to the original list we have 29 killed and 56 kicked around.

The kick-around Champions:

Champion GB 12 (21.5 % )
runners up Johnnylongwoody and Kewpie 4 each

also run
3: vandervelde, ktchuplover, drewnogal
2: GreatBigStees


Honourable mentions (only kills): drdon, Sicilian Sausage, Zamboner, stellspallfie and lolof.



22 Apr 05
06 Aug 13

Statistics are only relevant for big numbers.

This thread was initiated by Jim's bragging. GB is referring to all threads as potentially dead. I have been known to resurrect threads (more or less sucesful).
There ahs been some discussion on the value of threads and their "natural" lifesapn. he association threads generally do well. Threads on specific Contents tend to be finished at some Point.

So this is more and exercise in numbers than really meaningful, isn't it?

But still we learn something from it and thinking has been stirred. Isn't this the aim of a discussion?

Felis Australis


20 Jan 09
06 Aug 13
1 edit

This thread itself has had a remarkable shelf life, but then I guess Ponderable's regular contribution has ensured that. It seems to me, by instinct only because I haven't done the count, that the more you post, the more threads you will kill. Compulsive posters like Kewpie and Grampy Bobby are guaranteed to stay in the lists, because we're here a lot of the time and tend to click on any thread which isn't showing our name.

Sometimes I feel guilty about this, I wasn't allowed to communicate as a child and tended to overcompensate once I got past that, but then I figure nobody has to click on Kewpie if they don't want to read Kewpie's post.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
06 Aug 13
1 edit

Originally posted by Kewpie
There is a place for short threads in the General forum, as there is a place for long threads, and repetitive threads, and word-association threads, and word game threads, and poetry threads, and Spanish threads, etc etc etc. That's irrelevant; what we're discussing in this thread is the counting of "thread killer" people.

If the thread is less than 15 p when it comes to killing ability.

Ponderable, do you have any thoughts on this topic?
"... what we're discussing in this thread is the counting of "thread killer" people." (Kewpie, page 11)

Perhaps the thread's premise is faulty. Many if not most human deaths have causes unrelated to other people. Less than timely or interesting topics or their presentation are often the cause. Exception: "empty forum/chat room syndrome".

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
06 Aug 13

Originally posted by Ponderable
Statistics are only relevant for big numbers.

This thread was initiated by Jim's bragging. GB is referring to all threads as potentially dead. I have been known to resurrect threads (more or less sucesful).
There ahs been some discussion on the value of threads and their "natural" lifesapn. he association threads generally do well. Threads on specif ...[text shortened]... learn something from it and thinking has been stirred. Isn't this the aim of a discussion?
"But still we learn something from it and thinking has been stirred. Isn't this the aim of a discussion?"

Yes. Absolutely. Here's a thought: thread life expectancies at birth vary dramatically. Some live their brief lives out as an ornament; others work long and hard, serving some shared objective; yet, others like STG, never work a day and never die.



22 Apr 05
30 Aug 13
2 edits

Results for June:

106 threads killed.

Thread Killing champ: Grampy Bobby 26 (24,5 % )

Runner up: Great Big Stees 12

3rd: Kewpie 6

5: Johnnylongwoody and drewnogal
4: SwissGambit, sonhouse, coquette
3: Frank Burns, divegester, Chess Praxis, Suzianne, mikelom
2: Paul Dirac II, JS357, Tygert, vandervelde, Ponderable, empovsun, Robbie carrobie
1: rmaki1, moon1969, Queendefender, KilgoreTrout15, HandyAndy, Russ, zakkwylder, apathist, Zamboner, rookie54, Montymoose.

Honourable mentions: GB managed to kill a thread after 100, GreatBigStees one after 204 and Johnnylongwoody one after 111 Posts.
GBand Johnnylongwoody managed to kill threads with the first Posts.

Juli will have much less killed threads. And it seems August also.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
30 Aug 13

Originally posted by Ponderable
Results for June:

106 threads killed.

Thread Killing champ: Grampy Bobby 26 (24,5 % )

Runner up: Great Big Stees 12

3rd: Kewpie 6

5: Johnnylongwoody and drewnogal
4: SwissGambit, sonhouse, coquette
3: Frank Burns, divegester, Chess Praxis, Suzianne, mikelom
2: Paul Dirac II, JS357, Tygert, vandervelde, Ponderable, empovsun, Robbie car ...[text shortened]... eads with the first Posts.

Juli will have much less killed threads. And it seems August also.
"Juli will have much less killed threads. And it seems August also."

Certainly good, though perplexing, news; recently your analysis determined that an unexplained upsurge in private club forum posting was the cause of this forum's gradual decline. Is there any correlation between post activity and 'kills'?



22 Apr 05
30 Sep 13

Results for July:

81 threads killed.

Thread Killing champ: Grampy Bobby 19 (23,5 % )

Runner up: Great Big Stees 8

3rd: Ponderable 7

6:drewnogal, mikelom
5: Chess Praxis
4: JS357
3: Johnnylongwoody, SwissGambit, Tygert
2: kevcvs57, divegester,
1: Suzianne, Rank outsider, ketchuplover, HandyAndy, Russ, apathist, MontyMoose, Paul Dirac II, Trev33, yannysman, sonhouse, lolof, Kewpie, Silverstriker

Honourable mentions: GB managed to kill a thread after 206 Posts.

As anticipated July was a slow month, August will be slower still, but September has a lot of threads living just now.


10 May 07
30 Sep 13

Originally posted by Kewpie
This thread itself has had a remarkable shelf life, but then I guess Ponderable's regular contribution has ensured that. It seems to me, by instinct only because I haven't done the count, that the more you post, the more threads you will kill. Compulsive posters like Kewpie and Grampy Bobby are guaranteed to stay in the lists, because we're here a lot of th ...[text shortened]... that, but then I figure nobody has to click on Kewpie if they don't want to read Kewpie's post.
I haven't read this post until now. It's probably like you say - the more you participate, the more threads you are likely to kill. I don't really want to end any threads, but I suspect I will be the killer of many threads in August-September.



22 Apr 05
30 Sep 13

Originally posted by lolof
I haven't read this post until now. It's probably like you say - the more you participate, the more threads you are likely to kill. I don't really want to end any threads, but I suspect I will be the killer of many threads in August-September.
for the time being 5 in August and 3 in September, some of those might still be salvageable 🙂


10 May 07
30 Sep 13

Originally posted by Ponderable
for the time being 5 in August and 3 in September, some of those might still be salvageable 🙂
Thanks, let's hope for the best. 🙂

14 Mar 04
30 Sep 13

I note that I am holding on to my "Silver Medal" position. Boy it's hard to get to the top when the Champ is soooo prolific.😳


10 May 07
07 Oct 13

When can we have the next report? I assume it's a lot of work for you but I'm getting curious as I have been posting more often lately. 🙂



22 Apr 05
07 Oct 13

I do this as monthly report. Since for all of August we probably end with about 30 killed threads, the work is not too much 😉



22 Apr 05
07 Oct 13

The update: In August 8 threads were killed (up to now) Potentail killed threads: 41.

lolof killed one and is last poster at
Thread 154984
Thread 154589
Thread 153323

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