05 Nov 18
@trev33 saidI was already in the secure area, even got my water in there.
By security desk so you mean when your luggage is being checked? Or when you're boarding the flight?
I counted them, 20 flights this year... so one argument in 20 isn't bad 😉
So you can see why I would be surprised when she questioned me on what was in the bottle of water I got inside the secure area. I was getting ready to board.
@handyandy saidIt's likely you never were what you thought you were.
Maybe whining is just your way of taking part.
@mudfinger saidAh, but I was. Now who are you?
It's likely you never were what you thought you were.
@mudfinger saidGeeze, amazing how you hit the nail right on the head and you haven't known him that long. 😉
It's likely you never were what you thought you were.
06 Nov 18
@very-rusty saidWe've known you long enough, pinhead.
Geeze, amazing how you hit the nail right on the head and you haven't known him that long. 😉
06 Nov 18
@handyandy saidNo one was talking to you OLD MAN!!! 😛 😉
We've known you long enough, pinhead.
07 Nov 18
@very-rusty saidWhat happened to your manners, pinhead? Do you think a disrespectful jackass like yourself should be allowed to post in this forum?
No one was talking to you OLD MAN!!! 😛 😉
@handyandy saidYou're cranky. Try the decaf.
What happened to your manners, pinhead? Do you think a disrespectful jackass like yourself should be allowed to post in this forum?
@handyandy saidAndy you are one to talk about manners when all you do is all me a pinhead and jackass...How about I start calling you a few choice names!! 😉 😛
What happened to your manners, pinhead? Do you think a disrespectful jackass like yourself should be allowed to post in this forum?
Perhaps they shouldn't allow cranky old men to post in this forum either!!! 😛 😉
@mudfinger saidHe is upset because he is old, maybe that makes him cranky! 😉
You're cranky. Try the decaf.
There could be another reason which can't be mentioned in a public thread. 😉
08 Nov 18
@very-rusty saidMaybe his old lady keeps him chained to a radiator?
He is upset because he is old, maybe that makes him cranky! 😉
There could be another reason which can't be mentioned in a public thread. 😉
08 Nov 18
@mudfinger saidHey, mudmouth, you have as much class as your sweetheart, Rusty. That is to say, zero.
Maybe his old lady keeps him chained to a radiator?
@mudfinger saidLOL...Now you went and did it he will be calling you names now, and if you happen to call him an old man he will be on the exclamation mark to the Mods reporting you. He is such a hypocrite between you and I and the rest who have known him for years!!! 😉
Maybe his old lady keeps him chained to a radiator?
@handyandy saidAndy his name is mudfinger, and don't be jealous!!! 😛 😉
Hey, mudmouth, you have as much class as your sweetheart, Rusty.