Originally posted by SuzianneI had my tongue in cheek, Suzianne. You need less swishing and less blurting, really.
How can you think that your estimate of 350 years is not misanthropic, while claiming that my own estimate of 50 years, is?
Do you think divegeester's estimate of only 100 years is misanthropic too?
I think human civilisation will survive and outlast whatever cataclysms befall it, albeit perhaps at a reduced scale or distribution.
Humans are tenacious, resourceful, resilient. The last thing I can be described as in this regard is misanthropic: for instance I am not waiting/hoping for some kind of supernatural being to come and destroy us because I am wallowing in despair about the state of the human condition. 😉
09 Nov 15
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyBy talking of "rational thought process" being "displaced", are you in any way referring to your own religious beliefs?
Sadly, yes. The rational thought process of these men and women has become displaced by their unbridled emotions.
09 Nov 15
Originally posted by FMFMy reply to Suzianne references a category of people not specifically fixated on you
By talking of "rational thought process" being "displaced", are you in any way referring to your own religious beliefs?
or me or any other member of Red Hot Pawn or their "beliefs". .
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyDo you believe that me not being misanthropic about the prospects of humankind and my belief that it is not all going to end soon is because I lack "rational thought process"?
My reply to Suzianne references a category of people not specifically fixated on you
or me or any other member of Red Hot Pawn or their "beliefs". .
When you said "some here are subliminally still in denial of reality" were you not referring to your personal "beliefs" about reality?
And when Suzianne answered "And some, not so subliminally" was she not referencing her own personal beliefs.
And when you then replied "Sadly, yes. The rational thought process of these men and women has become displaced by their unbridled emotions" were you not referring to your own personal beliefs and contrasting them to others here?
When you express your personal beliefs about people you seem to be fine with it. But when you are questioned about them, suddenly you are using words like "fixated" and "emotions" or - in similar cases - you're suddenly starting whole threads about "trolls".
Originally posted by Suziannemine is
How can you think that your estimate of 350 years is not misanthropic, while claiming that my own estimate of 50 years, is?
Do you think divegeester's estimate of only 100 years is misanthropic too?
within 10 years we will be back in the stone ages
preppers and mormans are likely to do best
-Removed-when the power grids go out, were doomed
no electricity
no sanitation
no clean water
no emergency assistance
no transportation
no police protection
no fire protection
no access to needed drugs
no internet
no communication
everything powered by a computer chip will not work
gangs will rule
society will break down
it is estimated that within one year, 9 out of 10 people will die
this is only the tip of the ice berg
edit: I really don't believe any of this
just trying to scare myself
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyYou are now either stumbling - genuinely confused - over what it was you were trying to say - and about whom - (or perhaps trying to distance yourself from the conceited little cyber-punch you were obviously attempting to land on a few chins) or you're now being a wee bit dishonest and you're just going to brazen it out. Either way, you've got brass balls. 😉
Yes in reply to "And some, not so subliminally." ~Suzianne The reply to wolfgang59 also refers to a category of people not to specific individuals.
09 Nov 15
Originally posted by FMFNo, she was not. Do you often refer to your own personal beliefs as a "denial of reality"? Neither does anyone else. It doesn't matter how YOU wish to label the beliefs of others. You're certainly not the "last word" on reality, not by any stretch.
And when Suzianne answered "And some, not so subliminally" was she not referencing her own personal beliefs.
As you've said many times about others, that was certainly "a swing and a miss". Put away the bat.