Originally posted by lauseyhttp://www.justgiving.com/RobMacken
Donation on its way. 🙂
In response to Daemon Sin's comment on the donation page:
"Just pretend Shav is frisky and running behind you. You'll win easily!"
Make yourself up to look like Johnny Depp, then Shav will be frisky and run behind you for real. You will win even easier. 😉
Thanks all for the donations so far!! I cant tell you how pleased I am with everyones kindness.
I have just come back from a 10 mile run, got to say, its not going to be easy but then there is still another month of hard training left!!
Maybe I should dress up as Johnny Depp but then I would have to be stopping ever 5 seconds for autographs!!
Many thanks again, keep up the good gestures!
Originally posted by leisurelyslothHis post is already the first one on the wreck list, so I didn't see much meaning in wrecking it. Instead, I sold the wreck and donated the money.
I noticed that he's gotten more people to donate cash than recs. Interesting. I guess recs have become more valuable! 😕