Originally posted by divegeesterYeah, I must be honest and say that I have been triggered,
Grampy Bobby's comments about suicide in this thread possibly stand as the most offensive I've read on this forum in the nearly 9 years I've been posting here.
I hope his self-anointed condemnatory bigotry on this topic is a sufficient revelation to those who swallow his " lonely old man" propaganda.
emotionally scarred, and forever mauled in my soul by his
offensive views on suicide. They are ignorant and make
a mockery of the despair of the human condition and the misery
that many carry on their hearts on a daily basis, not to mention how
much such comments reveal a complete disregard for the
Which is a very good opportunity to remind all:
Be careful sharing your personal details on RHP with a certain
someone. Users portraying themselves as a harmless 'lad', white hair
and all (even with imaginary friends who persist to exist despite the
medication) are known to fish sensitive data which can then be used
for passive aggressive rants, nauseating copy pasting, and tasteless
disclosures to attract attention to themselves.
I sincerely want people to be careful with this user. It is a wolf in
sheepskin, literally, not figuratively. The misery and damage it has
brought upon many is nothing to be laughed at.
Stay safe, RHP. Say no to emotional predators.
Originally posted by divegeesterYour brain lacks freshness, dumbo.
Your trite comments about being "emotionally scarred" doesn't really help.
As a person who has lost dear friends to suicide, I need neither
your mockery nor your understanding. You seem to be of the
same ilk as the coldhearted Bob.
Shame on you.
Originally posted by SeitseIt is difficult to see past your silly forum persona. My apologies, then.
Your brain lacks freshness, dumbo.
As a person who has lost dear friends to suicide, I need neither
your mockery nor your understanding. You seem to be of the
same ilk as the coldhearted Bob.
Shame on you.
Originally posted by SeitseShame on you for mixing a personal anecdote like this among a whole load of deliberately nasty and puerile "jokes" and then thinking you can - suddenly - browbeat people for not taking you seriously. It's straight from the adolescent's tawdry bag of toxic emotional weapons. π
Your brain lacks freshness, dumbo.
As a person who has lost dear friends to suicide, I need neither
your mockery nor your understanding. You seem to be of the
same ilk as the coldhearted Bob.
Shame on you.
Originally posted by FMFYour smiley triggers me. So passive aggressive. You're like
Shame on you for mixing a personal anecdote like this among a whole load of deliberately nasty and puerile "jokes" and then thinking you can - suddenly - browbeat people for not taking you seriously. It's straight from the adolescent's tawdry bag of toxic emotional weapons. π
Bob: coldhearted and cruel.
Originally posted by SeitseSomeone like you, who ~ for instance ~ makes "jokes" insinuating that Grampy Bobby is a pedophile simply because you don't like him, has no business lecturing others on what "mature people do".
Children and drunkards have no filter. Mature people do.
Please leave me alone. I am already suffering enough from
Bob's and Divegeester's cruelty and coldheartedness.
Originally posted by FMFπ
Someone like you, who ~ for instance ~ makes "jokes" insinuating that Grampy Bobby is a pedophile simply because you don't like him, has no business lecturing others on what "mature people do".
If you or I were to accuse anyone of being a paedophile it would
be shockingly out of order but with Seitse's track record it's not
quite the same. Would you be offended if he said something
insulting to you? I wouldn't. He is a shock-jock, a comedian, a
thorn in the communal side. Often immature but occasionally
funny and with a habit of hitting the nail firmly on the head.
Give him a break - somewhere close to the humerus would be apt.
Originally posted by Grampy Bobby (OP)
Our Ethical Creeds
“The Paradoxical Commandments:
People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.”
(Kent M. Keith, The Silent Revolution:
Dynamic Leadership in the Student Council)
Your "Ethical Creed"?