G Gunther
H Herman Gunther
H Hystericalectomy Definition: Uncontrollable laughter that can cause stomach cramps that feel like the fallopian tubes have been removed.
H Huevos Note: jocular term for what the Macedonoans, in all seriousness, call тестисите.
I Icculus Air Note: the name of a short-lived airline serving the Bali-Darwin route.
I Intercourse Definition: communication or dealings between individuals or groups.
@fmf said I Intercourse Definition: communication or dealings between individuals or groups.
I Impervious
Overlook Hotel
I Indefatigable
I Incognito
I Irredisregardless Note: incorrect word often uttered by people flustered by the Regardless v Irregardless issue.
I Incensed The emotional state required to fire out a keyboard-barrage of hyperbolic scorn equivalent to the use of a special power in the 90s street-fighting video game, Mortal Combat.
I Insist on less repetition of letters.
I Incest - illegal in many countries, not all though
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