P Privacy As in the GDPR laws
P Pilchard
P Pratt William Henry Pratt
@divegeester said P Pratt William Henry Pratt
Q Quips As in: "It's often hard to predict which quips a high-performing autistic person will and won't find to be funny."
R Rink Note: a word of limited use beyond the world of ice skating
R Rebarbative
R Risible
R Ragged-but-right Note: compound adjective that describes Jerry Garcia's guitar playing.
Overlook Hotel
R Raffish {not to be confused with rat fish.}
@The-Gravedigger R Rat fish (not to be confused with catfish)
R Rat Not to be confused with friend.
R Ruddy Complexion, not to be confused with “ruddy heck!”
Rudimentary The thread is rudimentary Watson.
R Rudy Our message to you is….
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