Overlook Hotel
G Grinch {feels the same way about Christmas as me.}
G Grinch {alerts posts, especially at Christmas time 😉 😛 }
H Hapless
H Handy Andy
H Hipster Definition: a style of beard
H Hoon {High speed driving}
@divegeester said H Handy Andy
H High Hopes
@torunn said H High Hopes
H Hereditarious Note: technical term highlighting the weakness of the Like Father Like Son prosecutorial gambit.
H Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia - Fear of long words.
I Indisihinbition Note: a similar word to disinhibition
I Incel {where prisoners are kept}
I Incessant - never ending
I Incongonito {secretly going to a West African country to steal their rare earth metals}
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