@fmf said P Piqued "FMF was piqued that The Gravedigger had likened him to someone on a pogo. Ha! He thought. The Ghost Chamberists strike again!"
P Printer As in: "Aside from the PC itself, the thing in one's home office that can cause cognitive dissonance and even debilitating frustration is the connectivity of one's laser printer."
R Rumours Things about people doing the rounds on the whisper wagon. Also a album by Fleetwood Mac.
Overlook Hotel
R Russell Hobbs {Famous actor}
R Reprisals
R Retribution
R Revenge
S Sublime
S Substandard. Substandard thoughts could mean ideas or beliefs that are not well-reasoned, lack depth, or are based on misunderstandings and misinformation.
S Siblish Adjective, characteristic of a person born to the same parents
S Starf**cker See also: groupie
S Squishy
S Silliation The dumbing down of something or rendering it daft
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