R Ramble On Song by Led Zeppelin From the album Led Zeppelin ll
The Plot
R RHINOPLASTY - A surgical procedure for those who tell lots of lies.
R Retard Backward, behind the curve, late, slow, dry.
Overlook Hotel
S Spanner {A tool used to twist things.}
T Turkstanimen Yep. I know. And yet you know what country I am referring to.
T TOOLBOX - A spanner isn’t the sharpest tool in the box but a stanley knife is.
@drewnogal said T TOOLBOX - A spanner isn’t the sharpest tool in the box but a stanley knife is.
T TREBLE - As in triplets.
On my arse
Tremble All aquiver.
@drewnogal said T TREBLE - As in triplets.
T Twitter
@happy-chappy said Tremble All aquiver.
T Too-wit too-woo' The song of the generic owl is in fact the Tawny Owl . Not the call of a single bird, but instead made by a couple calling to each other. The female calls 'too-wit' and the male answers with 'too-woo' 🩷
T Turd A rather gentle and unassuming little word that is nevertheless seen as being somewhat vulgar.
T Turd {Someone you take an immediate dislike to without even knowing them}
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