Overlook Hotel
@divegeester said W Why thank you!
@the-gravedigger said W Welcome
W Wind in the Willows
Wanted: wealthy Welshman
W Wollywood Wokingham's equivalent to Hollywood and Bollywood.
W Walter Mitty {fantasist who concocts stories about himself.}
The Plot
X XCIV - Ninety nine - an ice cream cone with a Cadbury’s Flake stuck in the top.
@drewnogal said X XCIV - Ninety nine - an ice cream cone with a Cadbury’s Flake stuck in the top.
Z Zwischenzug {In between move}
On my arse
Z Zero . In the 8th century the great Arab mathematician, al-Khwarizmi, took it up and the Arabs eventually brought the zero to Europe.
Z Zungguzungguguzungguzeng A much-sampled riddim made famous by Yellowman in 1982
A Arse See also: ass
A Aphids A very fussy kind of insect to eat so they are best left to just get on with it.
A Antagonize Ecidnas are responsible.
A Ana chronism {Girls name}
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