Originally posted by nishzoneGood grammar and being articulate helps. lurn tu tipe gud @n spk gud. Alternatively, your best option remains the hit on the head routine. The return of the cavemen.
why would u want to be with a girl that wun like u later on?
u would be wasting ur time. u might even miss out on someone who likes you the way u r.
Don't listen to those bowzows, statistics, and being less fussy is the answer. Simply put the more girls you ask out the more chance you've got. Start off with the best looking girl in the nightclub, ask her out if she shoots you down in flames then move on to her friend. I guarentee that this is they only sure fire way of getting laid without paying for it. 🙂
Be yourself. That is: if you don't smoke, do drugs, get in trouble with the law...
Be honest, be genuine, you must LISTEN to girls when they speak (even when the talk about their highly over-dramatized and often boring days); too often guys brag about themselves...
Yes, be honest, unless if the girl is fat; you will not need to tell her that! She would then slap you if you did (and you would deserve it).
Be caring, loving, and be there for her: do not expect people to do things for you; in a relationship - you, yourself must contribute more to make it succeed...
You are most interesting when you are truly yourself. Do activities, community service, sports, extracurricular activities...and you will meet people, and yes, girls.
Be sincere and be friends before anything else.