Originally posted by FMFCherry picker
As Landisqueen170 - a vocal critic of mine, and whose criticism I welcome and always meet head on - said recently: "[FMF is] an intelligent, articulate poster who often gives much food for thought". This is made possible by me simply not being angry when I engage people.
Originally posted by divegeester to FMFShe was just trying to distract from Grampy Bobby "trolling" Seitse [according to his own offered definitions] on page 1.
I guess Startreader hoping you are not going to kill yourself is at least one step closer to her "forgiving and forgetting" as she said on page one. You should be grateful 😀
She still has not suddenly mentioned suicide to any other poster ~ aside from me ~ despite her protestations that mentioning the issue of whether another poster is "suicidal" out of the blue is an entirely normal and kind thing to do.
We will see in the months ahead how often she spontaneously wonders out loud whether a poster she is addressing might be "suicidal" or might be "suicidal" in the future. 😉
11 Feb 16
Originally posted by FMFHarsh, to one who has posted such open adoration of you.
Your low chess rating is probably caused by the same lack of application.
Unless Ghost Hunter is right and you are both one and the same person, in which case it all becomes even sicker.
11 Feb 16
Originally posted by SeitseIt stands.
I see.
The assumption was, then, correct.
Troubling, really. I recall we used to have a member, a bit under a decade ago
(yes I have been around for that long), who got angry and told people he wished
they would die.
Funny because, in reality, we are all going to die. It is just amusing that someone
seems to wish people to accelerate that process --even though they are, in his
words, an insult to god.
How sad. I never thought I would lose interest in this forum due to trolling.