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Short Story Written Backwards

Short Story Written Backwards


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Short Story Written Backwards

Here's the concluding line 100. Let's build it backwards together (characters, plot, etc). Whoever posts line 1 obviously selects the title.


100. All the college jocks and cheerleaders lived well and happily ever after except one, Merlyn, who became excessively wealthy early

and later commited gradual suicide with exquisite drugs hand delivered each month by clandestine avant couriers from some heaven.

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"Living Backwards or in Reverse?

"T.H. White in his series, Once and Future King, told the tale of the legendary King Arthur. Here, White presented Merlyn, a friend and wizard to the King, who lived backwards in time. Merlyn relied on his memory of the future to guide and mentor Arthur, all the while allowing Arthur the enlightenment of self-discovery. In this unusual character development, White showed us that even though the future may appear set and final, the choices we make effect us here and now and can be interpreted as significant to our decisions farther along our path.

"Merlyn demonstrated the difficulty of living in the past while in a constant circuitous flux of the future and the present moment. Surely incomprehensible to those of us living in a forwardly linear progression, Merlyn juggled and balanced the grapples of his memory and experience to allow Arthur to wield the necessary bravado to create a history, already lived. Merlyn's advantage of knowing and already lived the future, comforts us in strange ways. What if we already lived our future and we're just now providing ourselves with the points-of-proof that mete out the geometric progressions of our lives? If we know the outcomes in our lives, can we manipulate our present day to assure the mold for future castings is accurate?"


99. ________________________

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99. Then they built a canopy over it, keeping guard on every side lest the Non-Subs should attack them before they had finished. When they had accomplished this they went back again into the city, and being well assembled they held high feast in the house of Russ their king.

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98. Billy Stinkwater the third said...."do you know what this needs?.....a canopy"

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97. Aunt Lilly, in the kitchen, yelled out to Marianne, the first skuttle maid, for a can of peas.

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Originally posted by coquette
97. Aunt Lilly, in the kitchen, yelled out to Marianne, the first skuttle maid, for a can of peas.
96. Even though Ronald babbled on about his expoits at university and how he was seriously considering continuing on into yet another degree, this time probably business, Mortimer's mind was on what was going to be served for dinner. He said to aunt Lilly, "Say Lil can we please have some peas with dinner tonight. You know how much I love them and it's been a fortnight since last they passed over my lips. Now what was was it you were saying Ronny?"

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95. Ronny asked aunt lilly if he could help. She said, well, ronnie, you know, you could mash potatoes for me, but i don't know if we're going to have pea soup or not. ronnie knew that he couldn't help with pea soup, so he said, sure, auntie, I know how to do the mash potato, i did that all the time at the school dance, i never did pee soup before, though.

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blah blah blah

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In the beginning...

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93. Aunt Lilly said, "You know what I like? Mashed potatoes." Ronnie retorted, "Dude, you have to give me time to guess! If you are going to quiz me, you must insert a pause."

[Perhaps a Hedbergian twist will bring some life to this story...]

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
93. Aunt Lilly said, "You know what I like? Mashed potatoes." Ronnie retorted, "Dude, you have to give me time to guess! If you are going to quiz me, you must insert a pause."

[Perhaps a Hedbergian twist will bring some life to this story...]
94.Ronnie asked Aunt Lilly if she liked bear paws and if so what else should they include in the meal.

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Originally posted by Great Big Stees
92.Ronnie asked Aunt Lilly if she liked bear paws and if so what else should they include in the meal.
91. _______________

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
91. _______________
91. After consumming most of the bear he'd shot while big game hunting in the hinterlands of Canada at the frat party the weekend before.

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90. He's loaded for bear, said Sgt. Browne. Has been ever since someone scratched his 73 mustang. Dang that was one hot babe magnet.

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Originally posted by coquette
90. He's loaded for bear, said Sgt. Browne. Has been ever since someone scratched his 73 mustang. Dang that was one hot babe magnet.
"Why does Ronnie continually spend so much time cleaning that stupid car of his?", asked Florence (you can call me Flo).

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