@ghost-of-a-duke said
Timothy hadn’t set out to join an evil organisation and was just something he’d stumbled into while looking for work in the retail sector.
My friends are trying to talk me into telling them what actually took place in London 1964-65, a time that changed my life forever - I guess they are anxious to know what I might keep quiet about, but after all these years, I'm still not clear what actually happened at 46, Leinster Square in Bayswater.
@earl-of-trumps saidLove Cannery Row Mr Steinbeck, one of the first novels I ever read!
Lazy gulls waiting to feed, gently squawk and flap their wings
as workers file into the weather-worn wooden buildings of cannery row.
My bunkmate Joe Lee was a wild kaleidoscope of a man who struggled to stay localized and focused, but eventually he succumbed to the distributive allure of post-incarnate life, as apparently had the constructors of Zotoba IV, who were not much more advanced than we when they vanished -- all of them now gone like the morning dew.
@caesar-salad saidToo many adverbs.
My bunkmate Joe Lee was a wild kaleidoscope of a man who struggled to stay localized and focused, but eventually he succumbed to the distributive allure of post-incarnate life, as apparently had the constructors of Zotoba IV, who were not much more advanced than we when they vanished -- all of them now gone like the morning dew.
But the idea could be strong.
I like it.
@great-big-stees said(Great, but was she there, or was she gone...?)
And there she was...gone.
@great-big-stees saidBut presumably she had been there.
You're going to cover that ground with some flashbacks, right? 😉