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The IRONMAN Episode bothered me

The IRONMAN Episode bothered me


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Originally posted by HungryJoe
I was a bit gutted as well. And now other players are leaving because of what happened to Ironman31, good players like Chessmaster and Fritz 8.0 (spelling??) its a shame.
Yes those are all top notch players... Tragic that they are leaving :'(

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Originally posted by shavixmir
That some rules of the TOS can be broken and others cannot (hypocrisy).
The whole witchhunt attitude.

Personally, yes, I think people can cheat if they want. But THAT is not what this is about.
Of course, you haven't shown that I've violated anything in the TOS and there are Forum Mods to regulate what goes on in the Forums as you well know. There are various penalties for violating the Forum rules as you also well know. I personally have never received a forum ban of any length, so I presume that the Forum Mods and the Site Admins are satisfied that I comply with the posting rules here, though I often get posts deleted.

Now presumably any violation of the TOS deserves SOME penalty, but the damage done to an internet chess site by people using an engine is considered by the Site Admins here (correctly IMO and most people's opinions here) to be far more serious than any damage done by posting of things some people find "offensive". They have designated a penalty for that violation of the TOS i.e. engine use: banning. People have been banned for repeated violations of Forum Moderation policies in the past, too. I see no "hypocrisy" except from you.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Of course, you haven't shown that I've violated anything in the TOS
Your words: "Don't you ever get sick of being such a pathetic fool?"

That, my arguative friend, is violating the TOS.


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Originally posted by invigorate
If under 18's were on average half as articulate as Angie, they all should be allowed to vote.

But for the purposes of this argument the moto for this site should be...

"In Mod we trust"

If we don't like Mod's work we are free to leave.
Fully agree with you on what you write.

However, the issue I have with this thread is not the mods, not the TOS, not the cheaters, but the pedancy and hypochrisy of a would-be (or not quite?) mod. And how on a chess site (we have GM's today below 14 yr, let alone 18 !!!) the 18-year limit is used as an argument, in a coctail of derogatory language. I was the one who rec'd Angie's post earlier one, for this reason alone.

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Russ can terminate your account just cuz he doesnt like you and you cannot complain. You agreed to it when you joined the site. Its not like hes implementing the Death Penalty, even if there are one or two mistakes it is worth all the Rightful Terminations because the mistakes dont harm anyone.

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thank you, invigorate and Mephisto2.

2 edits
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Originally posted by shavixmir
Your words: "Don't you ever get sick of being such a pathetic fool?"

That, my arguative friend, is violating the TOS.

I doubt it. Considering the poster in question has repeatedly posted in these forums accusations that I am a cheater, I would say if anyone is violating the TOS it is him. However, you are free to alert the post and/or call for my banning if you so desire.

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Originally posted by Mephisto2
Fully agree with you on what you write.

However, the issue I have with this thread is not the mods, not the TOS, not the cheaters, but the pedancy and hypochrisy of a would-be (or not quite?) mod. And how on a chess site (we have GM's today below 14 yr, let alone 18 !!!) the 18-year limit is used as an argument, in a coctail of derogatory language. I was the one who rec'd Angie's post earlier one, for this reason alone.
Rec whatever you want; the fact that some 14 year olds can play chess well does not invalidate my point that teenagers in general lack life experience and maturity, so that their judgment is suspect.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
I doubt it. Considering the poster in question as repeatedly posted in these forums accusations that I am a cheater, I would say if anyone is violating the TOS it is him. However, you are free to alert the post or call for my banning if you so desire.
so whether a remark is against the TOS depends on whom it refers to? Interesting.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
I doubt it. Considering the poster in question has repeatedly posted in these forums accusations that I am a cheater, I would say if anyone is violating the TOS it is him. However, you are free to alert the post and/or call for my banning if you so desire.
Mhmmmm. Yes. As if I'm the sort of person to alert anything....duh...

And it doesn't make a difference who started name-calling, the participation is against the TOS.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
I doubt it. Considering the poster in question has repeatedly posted in these forums accusations that I am a cheater, I would say if anyone is violating the TOS it is him. However, you are free to alert the post and/or call for my banning if you so desire.
If you're going to continue falsely accusing me of lying, then I will pick you up on it, as people who haven't seen the analysis might believe you.


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Originally posted by no1marauder
Rec whatever you want; the fact that some 14 year olds can play chess well does not invalidate my point that teenagers in general lack life experience and maturity, so that their judgment is suspect.
The shoo fits?

Some 'adults' on this site have proven that they can act as childlishly as some -14 kids.

How can you validate a claim like the one you are making here? I would agree with 'some', 'many' even, but a generalisation like this is plainly narrowminded. I hope you are not that superficial in your profession.

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Originally posted by Starryknight14
Russ can terminate your account just cuz he doesnt like you and you cannot complain. You agreed to it when you joined the site. Its not like hes implementing the Death Penalty, even if there are one or two mistakes it is worth all the Rightful Terminations because the mistakes dont harm anyone.
If Russ terminated my account for whatever reason I could and I would complain dude.

I didn't agree to anything. I didn't even read what I signed. Why? BECAUSE IT'S A BLOODY CHESS SITE!!!

So go back to your facistic little life-style of ingnorance and doing whatever you're told whenever you're told and stop bothering me and anyone else with an inkling of rationality about them.

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Originally posted by angie88
so whether a remark is against the TOS depends on whom it refers to? Interesting.
Another sign of immaturity, you lack solid reading comprehension skills. I am asserting that calling someone a "pathetic fool" does not violate any provision of the TOS; there is nothing about insults in the TOS. However, continually posting public accusations against cheating now that there are Game Mods has been specifically singled out by Russ as unacceptable. The two points are linked but the conclusion that my comment does not violate the TOS is independent of the conclusion that public accusations of cheating are a violation of the TOS. Now do you understand?

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Originally posted by Ragnorak
If you're going to continue falsely accusing me of lying, then I will pick you up on it, as people who haven't seen the analysis might believe you.

People who have done the analysis, like Arrakis, might object to your constant, false claim that Arrakis' analysis showed I matched up 96% in this game THAT I LOST.

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