22 May 22
@suzianne saidI don't mind criticism. I would have left this website years ago if there was no criticism of my opinions and beliefs. I don't think I look weak in debates and discussions where I receive criticism.
And we get that you don't like criticism.You think it makes you look weak.
All narcissists have that reaction. It's classic.
22 May 22
@fmf saidOf course you wouldn't.
Presumably "they" refers to one-day chess games. I think they are for people who want to play one-day games. I don't see how that is infantile or how the option to have one-day games is an infantile facility. Indeed it is a positive feature. I don't see any valid comparison with anonymous thumbs.
22 May 22
@fmf said@divegeester is free to make as big an ass out of himself (and you along with him) as he wants.
Do you think divegeester's free speech should be curtailed or even banned altogether?