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The Official 2003 Rugby World Cup Thread

The Official 2003 Rugby World Cup Thread


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Hi there guys

I thought this thread might be a good idea as the WC is starting in just over a week and we have quite a few rugby fans here.This thread will be used for the following purposes:

1. Express your expert views.
2. Criticise players,referees,touch judges,teams etc.
3. Insult players,referees,touch judges,teams and each other.
4. Explain poor performances by your team and come up with plausable excuses.
5. Share your knowledge of alcoholic beverages and which one to enjoy while watching the game.

Thread rules:

1. Debate issues using language everyone understands.
2. Argue without using mathematical equations.
3. Religion,politics and questions no one knows the answers to will not be discussed here.Please start your own thread.

Now with that out of the way I suggest we all pick two teams to support.A first team and a second team.I feel we should pick a second team as Australia will be hosting the WC and they are adopting a second team.I dont expect you to adopt a team(although the Georgian team will appreciate that as they have no money) but just pick a 2nd team.

My teams:
1.South Africa

Hope this works.

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ok then, I back:

1. England
2. New Zealand

England just because I'll always back them, even at tennis πŸ˜•. New Zealand because I think they have shown the best form of the summer, and because they play exciting rugby, so I think they deserve to win more than anyone else (apart from England πŸ™‚ ).

Can we nominate two teams that we do NOT want to see win? If so, I nominate:

-1. Australia, and
-2. Australia

Mick πŸ™‚
(ducks πŸ˜› )

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Originally posted by mikado
ok then, I back:

1. England
2. New Zealand

England just because I'll always back them, even at tennis πŸ˜•. New Zealand because I think they have shown the best form of the summer, and because they play exciting rugby, so I think they ...[text shortened]... nate:

-1. Australia, and
-2. Australia

Mick πŸ™‚
(ducks πŸ˜› )
I like the idea of nominating two teams you dont want to win.Just the negativity this thread needs

1.Australia (We will never hear the end of it)
2.England (Clive Woodward)

I forgot to say why I picked South Africa and France.

1.South Africa - well it is kind of obvious as I am from SA)
2.France - I love the rugby they play.

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Excellent thread Johan.

As the league season is nearing an end, Union has been promoted to #1 sport on my list. With that in mind, I may actually have something to contribute to this thread.

Teams I wish to see win.
1. Aust - Obvious reasons.
2. Hmmm, one of the underdogs. I always like to see an underdog win.

Teams I would hate to see win.
1. England - We always hand them such a verbal beating over their cricket, league, soccer and lawn bowls sides it would be absolutely disastrous to give them any ammunition in return.
2. The kiwis - Another long term sporting rivalry.😡

Now, could someone in the know tell me why nobody gives England half a chance after they won almost all their pre world cup matches so convincingly?

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Thanks Dylan

You have to name a second team.Underdogs wont do because that might mean South Africa.:'(

Your England question.I cant see them winning it either.I dont think they believe they can win it.New Zealand and France will beat them in this World Cup given the chance.England have the team but I do not believe they are strong enough mentally.

(says Johan hoping no one followed the recent South Africa,England cricket test series.)

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Originally posted by dyl
Excellent thread Johan.

As the league season is nearing an end, Union has been promoted to #1 sport on my list. With that in mind, I may actually have something to contribute to this thread.

Teams I wish to see win.
1. Aust - Obvious ...[text shortened]... r they won almost all their pre world cup matches so convincingly?
You can't be picking Autralia AND an underdog - surely they're the same πŸ˜›

My teams:
1. England - go Johnny
2. Erm, anyone but the Aussies....or the Kiwis....or South Africa.....does the US play rugby?.....if so i don't want them to win either....that leaves, er, Belgium?

If England win, and Johnny W plays well, it's predicted he will be bigger than Beckham and that's a good enough reason to get behind the lads


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Alright, alright Johan. Lock in Samoa as my second team.

Mmanuel, I heard on the news today there is actually a US side 😡. I'm actually hoping they do OK, on the off chance some Yanks might develop a liking for a proper footy code.

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Originally posted by mmanuel
You can't be picking Autralia AND an underdog - surely they're the same πŸ˜›

My teams:
1. England - go Johnny
2. Erm, anyone but the Aussies....or the Kiwis....or South Africa.....does the US play rugby?.....if so i don't want them to win either....that leaves, er, Belgium?

If England win, and Johnny W plays well, it's predicted he will be bigger than Beckham and that's a good enough reason to get behind the lads

Incidentally Mmanuel, your insult has been noted and a rejoinder is in the works.

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Originally posted by dyl
Alright, alright Johan. Lock in Samoa as my second team.

Mmanuel, I heard on the news today there is actually a US side 😡. I'm actually hoping they do OK, on the off chance some Yanks might develop a liking for a proper footy code.
Easy there dyl, they've only just realised what football (that's "soccer" for the heathens). Let them walk before they start running.


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I go for:
1.The Bokke
2.The Pumas as the black horse of the tourney

But realistically we all know that the english are gonna take it,don't we???

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teams i'd like to win:
scotland, cause i'm scottish...
another underdog-the usa cause it'd be good for rugby there? or ireland cause they're practically scots anyway...apparently...

teams i'd hate to see win:
england, cause i'm scottish...and cause we (scots) hear about 1966 during every single world cup match, whether england are playing or not...this includes rugby...cricket...etc...

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Team I want to see win: England
Reasons: I'm half English and they have the team to win the cup.

Second team: USA
Reasons: Also half American and it would be nice to see an under dog do well.

Team I want to see do poorly: Australia
Reasons: They seem to win everything! Also it would be nice to slate the Ozzie team infront of my Australian friends. 😡 God that really would be fun! πŸ˜€

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Now this is my kind of thread, thanks Johan.
My trams to win
1) England - I am English and unsurprisngly proud of it
2)Ireland - win or lose the craic is always good.

The teo I'd hate to see win -
1) Austaralia - reason Campo.
2)France - They're french after all.

I think the opening game is going to be brilliant and I wouldn't be too surprised if the Pumas shocked the Aussies - and wouldn't it be great!

Here's to a month of debaucheryπŸ˜€

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Teams I want to win
New Zealand: My homeland
Argentina: the underdogs who are going to demoralise the aussies on their home turf first up - no other reason I chose them!

Teams I don't want to win:
England because we'll never hear the end of it
and England because we'll never hear the end of it!

Although I am scared to say - I think there is a large possibility I won't be hearing the end of it after the world cup!

(hmmm well I'll go for France as another team I don't want to win cos they always seem to have the wood on us kiwis in big matches)

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questions no one knows the answers to will not be discussed here.
does this mean I'm not allowed to ask why the other teams are bothering to turn up? England all the way!

Brainy - Argentina v Ireland and England v's Samoa are playing on the 26th, but I think with the time difference the matches will be in too early morning for us to watch them together πŸ™

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