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The RHP Tavern on the Board is open

The RHP Tavern on the Board is open



I'm back, after being without internet since Wednesday afternoon. Our caretaker just left, and he fixed it not quite knowing how. 🙂 Fika yes, bagels, cream cheese, strong caffe latte please!! 🙂


@kevin-eleven said
As lazy, scattered, and lacking in ambition as I am, I suppose maybe I am observant of the axis between aspiration and subsidence.

Subsidence is easy. Pretty much a least-effort path.
We have a room that might be to your liking. Go down the Green hallway and knock on the third door on your left. Tell them to let you in. I expect a report, in triplicate.👍


@Kevin-Eleven says - Subsidence is easy. Pretty much a least-effort path.

As Wildman Steve once proclaimed, "Eatin' ain't cheap!!"




Welcome back, Torunn. You were missed! 😏

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you thrill seeker, you 😛 a regular provocateur

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@earl-of-trumps said

Welcome back, Torunn. You were missed! 😏


@great-big-stees said
We have a room that might be to your liking. Go down the Green hallway and knock on the third door on your left. Tell them to let you in. I expect a report, in triplicate.👍
He should knock three times, very important.


@torunn said
I'm back, after being without internet since Wednesday afternoon. Our caretaker just left, and he fixed it not quite knowing how. 🙂 Fika yes, bagels, cream cheese, strong caffe latte please!! 🙂
Imagine all the years we didn't have internet, now we don't have it for a day and we are lost! I know what you mean.


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@very-rusty said
Imagine all the years we didn't have internet, now we don't have it for a day and we are lost! I know what you mean.

It's a parallel world. 🙂

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@very-rusty said
Imagine all the years we didn't have internet, now we don't have it for a day and we are lost! I know what you mean.

When I first got onto the internet, I could never imagine me cringing at the thought of losing it for a day.

times change, 🙄

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@earl-of-trumps said
When I first got onto the internet, I could never imagine me cringing at the thought of losing it for a day.

times change, 🙄
My first computer I didn't even know how to turn on. The salesman told me I'd never need another one, B.S. as they usually do. I had a friend at the time I met in 1993 at a chess club, that was good around computers. Told me the salesman just sold me something he was looking to get rid of, that I should have taken him with me. He eventually was making computers himself in a few years. He ended up making me 3 since 1996 The last one he finished in 2015 before he passed. I am using right now. If a part goes you just have to replace the part not the whole computer. They are home made jobs, I bought all the parts and he put the Computer together right from the case it was going in, to all the parts and I have more memory and hard drive space on this one than I'll ever need. It is just a matter now of keeping up with the windows. He would put lots of programs and security stuff that I would have had to pay for, as he knew how to get it off the net. Now of course windows 10 has pretty much everything you need and its own antivirus program. Windows 11 is out but don't want to up grade 'till I know all the bug are out. Unbelievable how far they have come. I can remember before they had one at a hospital they that took up a whole room. Now look what we can do with our cell phones, we can hold in our hand.


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@very-rusty said
Imagine all the years we didn't have internet, now we don't have it for a day and we are lost! I know what you mean.

probably 5,000,000 years
I remember the horse and buggy days

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@gertrude said
probably 5,000,000 years
I remember the horse and buggy days
My Uncle had a horse and buggy and use to take it to church every Sunday. He would drop into our place and take us kids for a little ride which was a lot of fun.


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@very-rusty said
My Uncle had a horse and buggy and use to take it to church every Sunday. He would drop into our place and take us kids for a little ride which was a lot of fun.

now those were the good old days
a simple life but all to often short


@gertrude said
now those were the good old days
a simple life but all to often short
Have you been to our “History” room? We have many of “man’s” first attempts at a vast variety of, not only food and drink but some interesting “objects” too.👍

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