@caesar-salad saidI wonder if what we are seeing is partly the result of folks just being plain bored. Getting behind a "tear it all down" movement is about the most exciting thing going and makes bored, depressed people feel purposeful and virtuous.
Put some non-white kids on the box and someone will cry "racist!"
Put some girls on the box and people will say that Rice Krispies promotes human trafficking and rape culture.
@trev33 saidI've not been, but friends who have said the food was wonderful.
Anyone going to Asia to meet someone I’d always recommend Vietnam, shame their food isn’t as good as most of east Asia though.
We have a Vietnamese restaurant in town which is my favourite VFM eaterie.
Maybe the cheap prices reflect their reputation?
@tom-wolsey saidYeah, hundreds of thousands of bored, depressed people around the
I wonder if what we are seeing is partly the result of folks just being plain bored. Getting behind a "tear it all down" movement is about the most exciting thing going and makes bored, depressed people feel purposeful and virtuous.
world getting their kicks by being battered by police. Thank you doctor.
@moonbus said100% agree..
I am not in favour of so sanitizing everything that we forget how racist and sexist we once were, and to whatever extent still are. I can understand the urgent need for removing certain statues from public places and changing certain logos on packaging; these things belong in museums after that, not in furnaces. The n* word was once common parlance and it is right and good th ...[text shortened]... t where there is no longer any such thing as objective truth, only a murky soup of crashed fashions.
@earl-of-trumps saidThumbs up on this one.
BLM has very good intentions, genuine.
I have no problem with people that seek true justice. All afros want is acceptance.
This is hard? Unfortunately, yes.
Most conservatives think BLM is a criminal organization.
Like they think Antifa is a criminal organization.
@earl-of-trumps saidAs I have been saying, No, "Progs" DON'T "say so".
Uncle Ben... GONE!
Aunt Jemima... GONE!
Land o' Lakes butter (Indian woman)... GONE
Rice Krispies, 3 white crackers... going going... probably GONE. Progs say so.
Nice job, progs. got any more?
How about... the Quaker of Quaker Oats. RACISM!
Tony the Tiger of Frosted Flakes. SPECISEISM!
Pillsbury Dough Boy (white). RACISM!
Tidy Bowl Cleaner guy (white) RACISM!
You progs have a lot of work to do. Pheeeew.
The left has far, far bigger fish to fry than this idiotic foolishness.
@very-rusty saidYes, "supposeD to".
'Suppose' is a present tense verb that means to assume something to be true. 'Supposed' is the past tense form of the verb, but can also be an adjective. It is also part of the common adjectival phrase 'supposed to'.
You wrote "suppose to".
Admit your near constant mistake now and move on.
@very-rusty saidI have never known the Ghost to lie.
How do you know for certain?
Because you believe EVERYTHING he tells you? 😉
@moonbus saidWell, your Fruit Loops post was actually funny.
I too took the OP to be a piss-take of political correctness, and replied facetiously about Fruit Loops.
@very-rusty saidAll he mentioned was the amount of white people. He never mentioned the total population of the US. But you had to take it on yourself to "inform" him anyway. Shut it, Rusty.
I really didn't know what OP was trying to convey to the rest of us viewing the post.
I did let the OP know he was incorrect in the amount of the population of the Country he was discussing. I don't know if he was correct or not in the amount of white people.
@moonbus saidFor the better, finally.
Update on Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben. The times they are a'changin'.
Maybe America is finally coming to its senses after all. I'll believe it when I see it in November.
@moonbus saidDon't say that is was conceivable that Trump could be thought to be wrong on any issue 😲
No need to forget history; Trump is busy re-writing it: Russia didn't meddle in the 2016 election. The Mueller Report was all wrong. Bolton is all wrong, too.
@wolfgang59 saidI remember it being very simple with a lot of meat, something I can do without. Easy to get a really nice meal, there’s lots of different types of restaurants, especially in the larger cities. Remember a really good burrito in Hanoi, I arrived from Thailand so maybe was just comparing foods unfairly. Don’t think price has much to do with reputation, or at least it shouldn’t, Indian food is the cheapest I’ve seen and there wasn’t much to dislike.
I've not been, but friends who have said the food was wonderful.
We have a Vietnamese restaurant in town which is my favourite VFM eaterie.
Maybe the cheap prices reflect their reputation?