@very-rusty saidWas that your understanding before you opened the dictionary?
Actually wrong again goad.
Learn to pronounce
characterized by good-humored teasing.
The aforementioned is the dictionary version. π
@very-rusty saidNo, no. It's amusing to have you on the same shelf.
I am sure you are just trying to stir the pot goad.
He won the argument against you now you are doing your best to turn us against each other. Not going to work!
07 Jan 21
@ghost-of-a-duke saidExactly what it says, it was for you to understand what I was talking about.
Was that your understanding before you opened the dictionary?
You're clever like a fox guarding the hen house! π π
07 Jan 21
@ghost-of-a-duke saidNo, no, you aren't happy about the current situation not fooling anyone goad! π
No, no. It's amusing to have you on the same shelf.
@very-rusty saidFacepalm.
Exactly what it says, it was for you to understand what I was talking about.
You're clever like a fox guarding the hen house! π π
@very-rusty saidNotevengonnasayit
Are you following the person you look up to with the "Facepalm"?
Watch not to do it to hard with your training in Martial Arts you could hurt your own face! π π
@very-rusty saidWhy don't you figure it out, Mr. Oblivious?
Is that one word or a bunch of words together? π π
@very-rusty saidYou and your little group like bastardizing what others say, I see.
LOL@ Suzie Q!!!
I am not gonna say it.
whydon'tyoutryreadingthisnowsoyoucanseewhatyourslookedlike? π π
They've been doing it far longer than you, so don't be surprised when they start in on you. People are known by the company they keep. When it comes time to pay the piper, I hope you can afford it.
@suzianne saidUnlike you Suzie Q I have no little group/clique.
You and your little group like bastardizing what others say, I see.
They've been doing it far longer than you, so don't be surprised when they start in on you. People are known by the company they keep. When it comes time to pay the piper, I hope you can afford it.
Your little group and others like you have been coming after me for about a decade well over a decade now, and I sleep well at night, not the least bit concerned.
It is good to see you get a little of your own medicine back at you though I must admit!
09 Jan 21
@very-rusty saidThe North American equivalent would be Peckerhead.
I really don't even know what Plonker means, just had a nice ring to it Biffo Plonker! π
From goad's response I take it is British slang for something.
@the-gravedigger saidSo it is actually a funny word! π
The North American equivalent would be Peckerhead.
Uncle Peckerhead
Uncle Peckerhead (2020) When a punk band scores their first tour, life on the road proves tough when they are joined by a man-eating demon as a roadie.
English name for motor part - Electric motors & generators ...www.eng-tips.com › viewthread
Another meanin:
Hello Can someone tell me what is the correct english name for the ... "Pecker Head" is a now commonly accepted term in much of the US for a motor ... Because the termination box on an electric motor looked very similar.