@gambrel saidMy old friend that doesn't sound normal to me. If you stagger when you walk and are not having a few brews, that should be seen to by a Doctor. You also can't look up, bend over or stand up fast. I believe you certainly should see a Doctor.
My doctor recommended Meclazine. Same basic thing, made me worse really. I was dizzy AND sleepy.
My acute dizziness was just after a prolonged flu like illness, Dec 2019
They didn't have covid tests yet, so I might have had it. They called it a lung infection. My dizziness is better, I can't look up, bend over, or stand up or move fast. I stagger when I walk.
But other than that I'm peachy.
@very-rusty saidI've seen 3 doctors at ugent care, one in the ER, my regular doctor and 2 specialists with no help. I've tried various meds too.
My old friend that doesn't sound normal to me. If you stagger when you walk and are not having a few brews, that should be seen to by a Doctor. You also can't look up, bend over or stand up fast. I believe you certainly should see a Doctor.
@executioner-brand saidSame here. No pain, just dizzy. Hope he does okay.
Sea sick pills don't work on my dad and he doesn't get pain in the ear during the vertigo.
He just sits still or sleeps it out for a few days.
@contenchess saidolder people generally get it.
Seems like everyone has it.
Can it be considered a disability? I can't imagine people working while they have vertigo 🤔
dad said about 40 years old people start to get it or some point after.
@executioner-brand saidI'm 42.
older people generally get it.
dad said about 40 years old people start to get it or some point after.
If people get it frequently how do they work a job?
Sick days are not unlimited.
30 Dec 21
@contenchess saidYeah, pretty difficult isn't it.
I'm 42.
If people get it frequently how do they work a job?
Sick days are not unlimited.
@contenchess saidI worked for 3 years with it. I did miss a lot of work my last year. I had anaphylaxis, almost died, was in the hospital, I've horror stories about the mistreatment by several of the staff. I was out for a week. Lung infection, possibly covid, out for 3 weeks. Incidentally, when I came back 25% of the crew was out with covid. Then 3 weeks of severe vertigo. I was given roids, which seemed to help me recover at least to where I wasn't having attacks nearly constantly.
Seems like everyone has it.
Can it be considered a disability? I can't imagine people working while they have vertigo 🤔
I found out CBD oil didn't help. Edibles made it worse. Smoking bud seems to help, once the initial rush and swoosh is over lol
@contenchess saidI'm 21 years older than you so you still have your youth. Plus I worked in a tough field for 28-29 years.
I really hope mine is just an inner ear problem 😳
@executioner-brand saidIf he isn't used to it, I'd be reluctant. For me it makes it worse for about 20 mins, then I'm okay.
Interesting. Now to get dad stoned. lol.