@ponderable saidI also started secondary school (well, in Australia: but in Europe, where I was in 1977, I started secondary school in 1977, as they start three or four months earlier).
Seems there is some interest in that.
I started secondary school
I followed the Football world championship and was bitterly disappointed by germany's performance (with the notable exception of the match against Mexiko)
I was on vacation at my grandparents.
I saw Meatloaf dominating the record store's advertising for a while.
It was the Age of Ocker in Australia: at least in Wagga Wagga where I was - and I saw the endless parade of hotted-up cars cruising a circuit around the main streets of the city centre every Saturday morning.
fun story about airplane rides
this was not my first, but it was the most unusual, for me
in the spring of 1976 i was due to be discharged from the us navy
i was stationed on an aircraft carrier in the north atlantic and the entire us navy did not deem it necessary to put it to port just to boot one naughty sailor
they told me i was going to philadelphia on the mail plane where i would receive my final papers
when i boarded the nondescript aircraft it dawned upon my 22 year old brain that they were gonna have to launch the dang thing and i got a rather stiffy excitement
one of the crew told me to strap in and sit back in my seat
i said "no" (twas my nature then to be disagreeable no matter the subject)
he told me once again that i should sit back because otherwise it would prolly hurt a tad
i sat resolute to watching from the window
some jackass hit the "launch" button
i sat back in my seat
whoo boy what a ride
@earl-of-trumps saidI like how you spelled it.
Met my future x-wife.
There should be a superhero movie called "The X-Wives". Or, they could be the villains.
@yo-its-me saidSeems you had “a lot” to deal with.😲
Ponderable- What did you do in 1978?
I had no religion, I wasn't in any war with anyone, I didn't care about politics or maths. I had no appreciation of art. I expect I did have one for music though. I was immobile, incontinent and illiterate. But I was happy, or so I am told, content with my lot.
@great-big-stees saidStees, I had to scream to get attention I tell ya. Someone had to bring me food and wash me. But I had no responsibility so I think I was happy 😀
Seems you had “a lot” to deal with.😲
@yo-its-me saidAlthough never had to scream to get attention all your “lot” happened, for me, not in 1978 but 1946.🤔👍
Stees, I had to scream to get attention I tell ya. Someone had to bring me food and wash me. But I had no responsibility so I think I was happy 😀
@yo-its-me saidThat time will come again.
Ponderable- What did you do in 1978?
I had no religion, I wasn't in any war with anyone, I didn't care about politics or maths. I had no appreciation of art. I expect I did have one for music though. I was immobile, incontinent and illiterate. But I was happy, or so I am told, content with my lot.
@the-gravedigger saidOh, you were the referee in that final?
I won the World Cup for Argentina and the Nobel Peace Prize.