Originally posted by robbie carrobieYes - thanks Robbie. I'm still trying it at blitz and occasionally otb.
Cant say I have, he was one of the few people who actually put into chess praxis a daring gambit that was invented by Captain Tennison who was a rather swashbuckling American civil war curiosity. He deserted from the North to fight for the South because he fancied a Southern Belle who could not contemplate marrying a Yankee. Upon his desertion he wa ...[text shortened]... y Wolfgang much to his enjoyment. It begins 1.Nf3 d5 2.e4!? and is held to be slightly dubious.
And the similar 1. Nf3 f5 2.e4?! fxe 3. Ng5
30 Sep 16
-Removed-I'm not convinced it's as many as 3 or 4, more like 1 or 2. Much of the time I think it's just the one person, actually. The thumbs all appear in a short space of time when she (or - who knows - maybe it's a he) posts on a thread somewhere.
Just make an 'official' suggestion on the Site Ideas Forum ~ or perhaps here on the General Forum ~ that the identities of those giving Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down are shown, and see who gets really agitated and starts spluttering about how it will be the beginning of the end for the web site and how they will cancel their subscription etc. etc.
That's probably the person who does it.
Originally posted by FMFThere was no evidence of this last time you suggested this obvious control-freak idea, and there's no evidence of this now.
I'm not convinced it's as many as 3 or 4, more like 1 or 2. Much of the time I think it's just the one person, actually. The thumbs all appear in a short space of time when she (or - who knows - maybe it's a he) posts on a thread somewhere.
Just make an 'official' suggestion on the Site Ideas Forum ~ or perhaps here on the General Forum ~ that the identities ...[text shortened]... nd how they will cancel their subscription etc. etc.
That's probably the person who does it.
I realize you'd love to be able to silence your detractors. You already attack all who have the audacity to disagree with you. Now if that disagreement was silenced, your takeover would be complete, wouldn't it? Removing free speech is always the first act of tyranny, and never the last. If you remove the anonymity of the thumbs, you may as well remove the thumbs entirely. I'm guessing either would be perfectly fine with you.
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual."
-- Thomas Jefferson
Originally posted by SuzianneHow am I proposing to "remove free speech"? How am I proposing to "silence [my] detractors"? How am I proposing that "disagreement is silenced"? What on earth are you on about?
I realize you'd love to be able to silence your detractors. You already attack all who have the audacity to disagree with you. Now if that disagreement was silenced, your takeover would be complete, wouldn't it? Removing free speech is always the first act of tyranny, and never the last. If you remove the anonymity of the thumbs, you may as well remove the thumbs entirely. I'm guessing either would be perfectly fine with you.