Originally posted by bbarrThe women you know never cry?
No, the women you describe are spoiled brats if whenever they are upset they cry rather than fix what's wrong, and then get their man to say "I'm sorry". The women I know are not spoiled brats, in that they are able to recognize when they are in error, they are more concerned with fixing the things that make them upset than crying about them, and they realize that being romantic is a two-way street. In short, the women I know are reasonable adults.
Every adult woman you know never cries?
That is the most amazing thing I have ever heard! You do know that tears contain hormones which the body needs to release? You know that crying when you are sad or something difficult to deal with is simply the release of those hormones? I am not talking about crying on and on over something. I am talking about shedding a few tears when things go wrong, and then getting back into the fight and solving the problem. And guess what? sometimes mit is better to say "I am sorry" and end the problem, than to drag it out and cause more grief.
I am very well aware that romance is a two way street, unless romance for someone is a magazine and some lotion! Did you think I was saying that only the man should be romatic? That is ludicrous! Perhaps you should attempt at least one of my tips. You know, just give it a try. It might even work on one of those Amazon Uber women!
Originally posted by elvendreamgirlDid I say the women I know don't cry? No, I didn't. Of course the women I know cry, but they cry when there is a good reason to cry, and they prefer to fix things than cry about them.
The women you know never cry?
Every adult woman you know never cries?
That is the most amazing thing I have ever heard! You do know that tears contain hormones which the body needs to release? You know that crying when you are sad ...[text shortened]... ve it a try. It might even work on one of those Amazon Uber women!
Originally posted by obliterationIt is complicated, isn't it?
Hey, good post and I can sympathize with you. Where I am from you can't smile at a woman without getting a dirty look or the customary: "what you staring at" reply. Many of them bat for the other side or are, strictly single or seeing someone else. Its all too complicated these days. I think its a far cry from the old romantic in a 50's film tha ...[text shortened]... t his woman off her feet. Women seem to want more and it just seems too complicated these days.
That woman was very rude, but then people don't have good manners anymore, sadly. Any woman with a tiny bit of brains and manners would have thanked you and smiled. She was a, well, you know what she was.
Perhaps this could be a thread where men and women could share what they want, rather than where men bash women?
Originally posted by bbarrALL the women you know are like that? If that's the case, you must not know too many women then...
No, the women you describe are spoiled brats if whenever they are upset they cry rather than fix what's wrong, and then get their man to say "I'm sorry". The women I know are not spoiled brats, in that they are able to recognize when the ...[text shortened]... two-way street. In short, the women I know are reasonable adults.
Originally posted by bbarrTHAT IS WHAT I JUST SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course the women I know cry, but they cry when there is a good reason to cry, and they prefer to fix things than cry about them.
And when they cry, they would like their man to hold them and say "It's ok"!!!!!
The they can get back to solving their problems. Is that so hard to do?
Just be nice, really.
Originally posted by elvendreamgirl
So, what do men want? Are you not answering because you don't want to open your hearts up for the world to see, or is it that you haven't a clue what you want (besides the usual? 😀 )?
From my experiences, what I want in a woman and have yet to find is this:
Someone who understands the importance of each of our parts in the relationship. I make good money, but that means that I have a work commitment and can't just take the day off or spend an hour on the phone with her any time she is upset and feeling unappreciated. All I want is for her to respect my 40 hours a week at the office.
Someone who isn't so selfish that she gets upset when I take a week of vacation time once every two years to visit my parents back east. Sure, my vacation time is "our" vacation time, but I do have other people I love in this life too that I'd like to spend some time with on occasion before they die.
Someone who gets along with other women and has girlfriends and activities outside of our relationship. It can be smothering when we spend 100% of our non-work time together. Time apart is healthy and shouldn't be a source of grief because of unfounded jealous suspicions.
Someone who isn't addicted to television and would rather get out and live our own lives rather than watching others live theirs, someone who sees the beauty in growing old together.
Someone who isn't a smoker, who doesn't wear much cosmetics, who isn't lazy, who doesn't run to her family with every little problem between us, who...who...aaah, who am I kidding?