Originally posted by ChrisGood to know, not quit doing that.
Hi All,
To clarify this situation.
We frequently receive this question via feedback and our policy is simply to tell the person asking the question (whether it be they or their opponent who they believe to be in checkmate) about the en passant rule.
Originally posted by MontyMooseMy apologies to him
Well, the Gods have spoken and KD was right about what he said. My apologies to him and for kicking over this horent's nest in the first place.
No problems with me, and no harm done. It's a tough situation that arises often in computer correspondence chess . And you and Phlab and SG had a valid point to look at on the subject.
I'm glad it's clarified for this site and we can move on. Let's just hope no one goes to far in the future and gives the fen for a en passant move to someone who can't figure it out. 😲
God Bless, 🙂
Originally posted by ChrisWith all due respect, this policy is ill-conceived and needs re-thinking.
Hi All,
To clarify this situation.
We frequently receive this question via feedback and our policy is simply to tell the person asking the question (whether it be they or their opponent who they believe to be in checkmate) about the en passant rule.
As already pointed out, if a position like this arises:
(Last move was ...b7-b5+)
If neither player knows the en passant rule, you are changing the result of the game by telling them about it.
It is no different than pointing out a winning move to a player that does not see it.
This ought to be considered illegal 3rd-party assistance.
Originally posted by SwissGambitIt occurs to me that there is probably a dearth of serious chess players in the Help forum. For more insights from them, see Thread 110605.
With all due respect, this policy is ill-conceived and needs re-thinking.
As already pointed out, if a position like this arises:
[fen]3Q4/k7/p1P5/Pp6/K7/2q5/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
(Last move was ...b7-b5+)
If neither player knows the en passant rule, you are changing the result of the game by telling them about it.
It is no different than poin ...[text shortened]... e to a player that does not see it.
This ought to be considered illegal 3rd-party assistance.
31 Mar 09
Originally posted by SwissGambitIt occurs to me that you may need a needle to pop that over-inflated ego. Your comments certainly lean towards that end.
It occurs to me that there is probably a dearth of serious chess players in the Help forum. For more insights from them, see Thread 110605.
Originally posted by SwissGambitYou may think that but I see that his post received a rec unlike your posts trying to batter the admins for answering a help feedback.
Do you have anything to contribute that's even remotely related to the thread topic, or did you get lost on the way to the General forum? 😴
Originally posted by SwissGambitHey SG, I have a question with this example. I'm a little confused with this one.
[fen]2r4K/6P1/7k/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
QUESTION: I just played Rook to c8, putting my opponent in checkmate. But the site says the game is still in progress. Is this a glitch in the site code?
Either the white player can move his pawn down to G-8 and promote it and block check, or if going the other direction blacks king is in check with whites pawn, which would be impossible in this case. But if so blacks only move would be to get out of check.. I don't understand, Or am I missing something or what you're trying to say and show here.
Originally posted by Chris(b) While a game is in progress you may not refer to chess engines, chess computers or be assisted by a third party. Endgame tablebases may not be consulted during play but you may reference books, databases consisting of previously played games between human players, and other pre-existing research materials.
Hi All,
To clarify this situation.
We frequently receive this question via feedback and our policy is simply to tell the person asking the question (whether it be they or their opponent who they believe to be in checkmate) about the en passant rule.
Originally posted by flexmoreand your point....? I would say that This rules original meaning is meant as, I or anyone can't have someone else help me with my moves, or have a more experienced player coach me or anyone threw any game or move of a game. ie Cheat.
(b) While a game is in progress you may not refer to chess engines, chess computers or be assisted by a third party. Endgame tablebases may not be consulted during play but you may reference books, databases consisting of previously played games between human players, and other pre-existing research materials.
That's what I understood it as from the very beginning.
Originally posted by KingDavid403White must be playing up the board since both Kings can't be in check at the same time.
Hey SG, I have a question with this example. I'm a little confused with this one.
Either the white player can move his pawn down to G-8 and promote it and block check, or if going the other direction blacks king is in check with whites pawn, which would be impossible in this case. But if so blacks only move would be to get out of check.. I don't understand, Or am I missing something or what you're trying to say and show here.
My point was this: let's say that neither white nor black was aware of the rule that you can promote your pawn once it reaches the 8th rank. Would it be OK for other forum users to make them aware of the promotion rule?