Originally posted by SwissGambitI really don't think this would happen, but in any case if white didn't know the promotional rule they would still have to know they could block check with their pawn. And then the screen pops up that says promote to? and then it gives you a choice of which piece to promote to.
White must be playing up the board since both Kings can't be in check at the same time.
My point was this: let's say that neither white nor black was aware of the rule that you can promote your pawn once it reaches the 8th rank. Would it be OK for other forum users to make them aware of the promotion rule?
If blacks asking for help and thinks it a site glitch I think someone could say , No, it's not checkmate and just leave it there. Wouldn't you say?
Originally posted by KingDavid403Sure, or they could say, "it's not a glitch in the site", which implies the same thing.
If blacks asking for help and thinks it a site glitch I think someone could say , No, it's not checkmate and just leave it there. Wouldn't you say?
I just don't think they should be told they can promote a pawn. If they can figure it out on their own, that's fine.
Originally posted by SwissGambitSee my post to Chris. The admins shouldn't be giving the direct answer, but telling the users the position shows no bug and they should check the rules.
With all due respect, this policy is ill-conceived and needs re-thinking.
As already pointed out, if a position like this arises:
[fen]3Q4/k7/p1P5/Pp6/K7/2q5/8/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
(Last move was ...b7-b5+)
If neither player knows the en passant rule, you are changing the result of the game by telling them about it.
It is no different than poin ...[text shortened]... e to a player that does not see it.
This ought to be considered illegal 3rd-party assistance.
Chris and Russ are great code writers, and probably like chess... but I think this giving the direct answer policy should be re-thinked.
This is big boy (girl) chess.
At least offer they are welcome to resign the game, and they will be given an answer if they want a direct answer.
Originally posted by SwissGambitOkay. just wondering.
Sure, or they could say, "it's not a glitch in the site", which implies the same thing.
I just don't think they should be told they can promote a pawn. If they can figure it out on their own, that's fine.
I think your other examples are much better for your debate on this issue. Even tho I think there a little far fetched. But still possible.
Originally posted by PhlabibitMaybe write them or try and get a vote on the issue. I would say there's enough who feel this way to warrant a possible change in this policy.
See my post to Chris. The admins shouldn't be giving the direct answer, but telling the users the position shows no bug and they should check the rules.
Chris and Russ are great code writers, and probably like chess... but I think this giving the direct answer policy should be re-thinked.
This is big boy (girl) chess.
At least offer they are welcome to resign the game, and they will be given an answer if they want a direct answer.
I must admit I agree with you when it comes to clan, league, or tournament games. These players should know en passant and all other rules. If they don't they will learn fast.
Originally posted by KingDavid403A better idea may be threatening legal action if he doesn't re-consider his position on this issue.
Maybe write them or try and get a vote on the issue. I would say there's enough who feel this way to warrant a possible change in this policy.
I must admit I agree with you when it comes to clan, league, or tournament games. These players should know en passant and all other rules. If they don't they will learn fast.
How do you spell, "Nhyarg"!~?
I don't think there should be a vote, I think people should either know the rules or learn the rules for ALL games here.... I saw a 1600 player who didn't know this rule, and if that player needs to be told his only move they don't deserve to beat me who does know all the rules.
Originally posted by Phlabibitlol, I think the diplomatic approach would be best suited for all here. If not there's always the next meet up. lol
A better idea may be threatening legal action if he doesn't re-consider his position on this issue.
How do you spell, "[b]Nhyarg"!~?
I don't think there should be a vote, I think people should either know the rules or learn the rules for ALL games here.... I saw a 1600 player who didn't know this rule, and if that player needs to be told his only move they don't deserve to beat me who does know all the rules.
I don't think there should be a vote, I think people should either know the rules or learn the rules for ALL games here.... I saw a 1600 player who didn't know this rule, and if that player needs to be told his only move they don't deserve to beat me who does know all the rules. P-
Well get a petition up or something and send it to Russ and Chris. They have always seemed fair and reasonable to I in such cases. We have to also understand that they have alot of other stuff their always working on on this site. And they can't make everyone happy all the time.
Maybe they can put a page up of the rules, esp en passant and pawn promotional rules, and make people say that they have read and understand all the rules here before they join, or something to that effect.
Originally posted by KingDavid403Yeah...I came up with them off the top of my head...the promotion one is admittedly the weakest. Most people know and love the promotion rule.
Okay. just wondering.
I think your other examples are much better for your debate on this issue. Even tho I think there a little far fetched. But still possible.
Originally posted by PhlabibitAgreed.
See my post to Chris. The admins shouldn't be giving the direct answer, but telling the users the position shows no bug and they should check the rules.
Chris and Russ are great code writers, and probably like chess... but I think this giving the direct answer policy should be re-thinked.
This is big boy (girl) chess.
At least offer they are welcome to resign the game, and they will be given an answer if they want a direct answer.
Originally posted by SwissGambitI wonder why so many don't know en passant. Or I wonder why that's usually the last rule everyone seems to find out last, and it's usually the hard way and with a little bitterness. If I remember correctly that's what happened to I also. A long long time ago tho.
Yeah...I came up with them off the top of my head...the promotion one is admittedly the weakest. Most people know and love the promotion rule.
I know when I start any game I'm assuming and also hoping that my opponents know en passant and all other rules. If not I kinda feel like I won a cheap game or it was over matched in my favor. Maybe that's just me tho.
Originally posted by KingDavid403It's probably because EP is the least common chess move, and an odd type of move at that. No other chess move has the 'do it right away, or not at all' restriction. No other capture involves the captor landing on a different square than the captured unit.
I wonder why so many don't know en passant. Or I wonder why that's usually the last rule everyone seems to find out last, and it's usually the hard way and with a little bitterness. If I remember correctly that's what happened to I also. A long long time ago tho.
I have seen some casual players who did not know about castling, but there are less of them than those who do not know EP. Funny thing is, most players like the castling idea when they first see it, and hate EP. The idea of castling is intuitive - it makes sense to get your King to safety. The idea of EP is not at all intuitive.
Originally posted by SwissGambitI must admit, just about 2 years ago I learned that when castling, That the rook can cross check or a line of fire by a opponents piece as long as the king does not.
It's probably because EP is the least common chess move, and an odd type of move at that. No other chess move has the 'do it right away, or not at all' restriction. No other capture involves the captor landing on a different square than the captured unit.
I have seen some casual players who did not know about castling, but there are less of them than ...[text shortened]... ntuitive - it makes sense to get your King to safety. The idea of EP is not at all intuitive.
I never knew that before. I always thought up to that time that neither piece could cross check or a line of fire by a opponents piece. I wonder how many games I lost due to that lack of knowledge.
Originally posted by SwissGambitYeah, That makes sense.
It's probably because EP is the least common chess move, and an odd type of move at that. No other chess move has the 'do it right away, or not at all' restriction. No other capture involves the captor landing on a different square than the captured unit.
I have seen some casual players who did not know about castling, but there are less of them than ...[text shortened]... ntuitive - it makes sense to get your King to safety. The idea of EP is not at all intuitive.