Originally posted by SwissGambit
We have a winner.
Now, for a THOUSAND bonus points, who can find a position where one player WINS by making a two-step move that passes an enemy pawn [which is NOT pinned] - but they would not have won if there was no two-step pawn rule?
In other words, show that the two-move advance changed the game in other ways besides just making it go faster, despite the best intent of the EP rule.
I hereby award myself 1,000 bonus points. 😛
Originally posted by mghrn55This question was answered some time ago. Now we are wondering if it is OK to give help in a game in progress.
Black pawn has a move en-passant B4 to C3 taking the pawn on C4
(Not really wondering, since the Admins say they would tell about the en passant rule... but some of us feel the user asking this question should be told to review the rules of chess and find the answer on their own.)