-Removed-I agree. But not entirely.
There are things that irritates me very much. So much so I wrote my own etiquette for the forum and offered my services to the RHP staff to be a moderator under these lines. These are the points I would use:
(1) – This Forum is only about spiritual matters, and nothing else.
(2) – In this Forum we stay on topic, and the original poster decides what is the topic.
(3) – Personal insults in any form are not permitted in this Forum.
And I would act proactive, not sit and wait for complaints.
The (2) is an interesting point: When an thread owner decides what the title will be, then he also own this topic by the title. If someone goes off-topic, then this posting may be a subject of being moderated, perhaps a new thread where the new topic can be discussed.
If someone is ducking, then he knows that he is wrong, and soon gone in this topic. The other members of this forum should point this out for him, or ignore him in this topic. We shouldn't feed the trolls. and the moderator has a major part to prevent this.
The (3) Insults is always annoying, and creeps under my skin. As a moderator I would be very hard on those using insults as a method to win a discussion. Intellectual low, and very contagious too.
Go on. This Forum can be a friendly place if a netiquette of some kind is employed.
Originally posted by SwissGambitWell that is true. And the correct thing to do is like what many do here .. ie s soon as that point is reached close off the conversation with a comment that tells the other posters that you are done.
Sometimes you reach an impasse; not everyone wants to continue after that.
Caljust can provide some lessons 😀
-Removed-I agree in part.
I think if the OP puts forward a point of view for debate then
they should be honour-bound to take part and defend their
point of view or concede they are wrong.
However some OPs put forward a question (without any answer)
seeking opinions, in those instances I think it entirely acceptable
for the OP to stay out of any ensuing debate, except perhaps to
ask for clarification or referee.