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1800 Josh Personality on Chessmaster 9000

1800 Josh Personality on Chessmaster 9000

Only Chess

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Originally posted by powershaker
Actually, no I don't at all! LOL I've considered playing only 5 games at a time and truly playing my best. But, there's just not a lot of time in the library to do that. So, I try not to take RHP too seriously. It's not like a USCF match or anything. hehe
To be honest I like my opponents to do me the honour of playing their best chess against me. To play moves whilst visiting a library seems a bit silly really, could you not take a note of the moves and prepare your next move at home?

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He can't do that for all 28 games. Anyways, play less games now and show everyone how good you really are. Your move sir in our game.

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Originally posted by welsharnie
To be honest I like my opponents to do me the honour of playing their best chess against me. To play moves whilst visiting a library seems a bit silly really, could you not take a note of the moves and prepare your next move at home?
Well, I think I should start doing that. Because, the tactical moves Sicilian Smaug has pulled on me is so remedial, that I look after I make my move, and kick myself, because I see it immediately. Crazy! But, oh well, I guess I'll just keep my 1400 rating on RHP. LOL Such butt rating it is.

Incidentally, before Sicilian Smaug rubs my face in this 10 games match we're presently playing, I will just go ahead and say I've only won one game out of the 10, and basically threw away the second win by making 1000 rated moves. LOL


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Originally posted by RahimK
He can't do that for all 28 games. Anyways, play less games now and show everyone how good you really are. Your move sir in our game.
Well, Rahim, between you and Smaug (you 1600 RHP players) I'm going to be borderline 1400 by the time it's over. Would have accomplished nothing in the way of rating points. LOL I'm going to do what you said and play less games. That way, I can think longer on each game. I'm just worrying about time outs. And, I know how I feel when people let their time run out on me. So, I try to respect everyone I play and move each day or at least every other day. Anyway...

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Shhh, no one knows my real name haha jj. Ya play less games and think more. Atari hey. haha i still have my atari system and this other old one also.

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Harsh. Hated rivals or what? I know he said he was moving fast and all but geez those games are brutal.

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How would you like it if you didn't have an internet connection at home or school or work? Exactly.

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I'm just saying playing 28 games at once when you don't have an internet connection is hard. Wouldn't you hate going to a library and playing all your games on there in just 1 hour?

The cheating stuff. No way, i looked at the games just common tactics. Ya that one game you lose after being up a piece. Just threw that one away. You had it in the bag.

You guys know each other? He joined 2 days after you did. Sounds fishy...

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Hahah, I can't see how you can no like someone when your playing online chess. I mean if its OTB and he's kicking you under the table then fine. But online and you guys don't like each other hehe. I wonder what kind of mssgs you send each other in the game window?? Hahah that would be fun to read. I told him to play less games next time and think more and that should shut up the people who don't think he's over 1400. I move pretty quick against him also, although i only got 2 games going on now. Just trying to stop all the counter play and go into a favourable endgame. Like the books says, After that Black is winning and its all a matter of technique.

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