Originally posted by malingaAHH!!
he really helped out here...
Game 2790119
he should not have resigned.
12...Nf5 and if 13. exf5 then Re8!
Here's my selection. Sorry to all the victims especially 'Luck' as he is one of the sites veterans.
Game 2423979
Game 2468554
Game 2471892
Game 2494233
Game 2499855
Game 2500210
Game 2520741
here is one that was not as easy as it looks. checkmate on move 20.
Game 2752586
he made a crucial mistake in giving me his e-pawn and then I was able to pry open his kingside pawns to expose his position.
Originally posted by Diet Cokethat took 22 moves. shouldn't be on this thread...
Game 2749252
this should though
Game 2795542
Game 2750035
Quite an easy one to miss, I think, as you don't really expect a mate to be on.
Originally posted by mathmoSo what were you planning if he plays 6. Nxh3 instead?
Checkmate without (black) capturing:
Game 2654927
Game 2829615
Under 20 moves, and with both Queens still on the board. Why on Earth does anyone play the Damiano defense?
This game is a mistery to me. How can a 1585-rated player commit such a suicide?
Game 2525965😕
Originally posted by el gilAll white had to do was to develop the bishop and the rook covers the e1 square. Funny game though. 🙂
This is the most incredible game I've played in all my life
Game 2554454