Originally posted by RavelloThat was nice!
do you like this?
Game 611024
[fen]r2qk2r/ppp2ppp/2p5/8/4n1b1/1P1P4/PBP1KbPP/RN1Q1B1R w kq - 1 9[/fen]
My only one here so far. Mate at 19, i think.
Game 2672370
Hopefully i'll have more i can send here soon. Cool/fun forum topic, by the way. 🙂
Originally posted by Pavlo87No I meant exactly what I said: "move the Rook on f1". (i.e. Don't move the other Rook (which is on a1) - that won't help.)
You mean off f1, right? The rook is already on f1.
If he moves it off then Queen takes f2 pawn is also mate.
I checked the game over. There's no way avoiding it; it's forced.
Yes, the Rook is already on f1, so it must be moved to give the King an escape square. (Note it doesn't matter where the Rook moves to, because ultimately mate cannot be prevented.)
Absolutely! Checkmate is forced, but after:
20. Rf1-(wherever) Qxf2+
21. Kh1 Qh2# (The checkmate comes one move to late - it cannot be forced within 20 moves, as requested for this thread.)
[edit] Note, the fact that white could have delayed the mate by one extra move, doesn't take anything away from the excellent attack formulated by Sicilian Smaug.
Mate in 19 (after blundering away a minor piece!)
Game 2571762
And, in 7 (a variant of Fool's Mate):
Game 2781150
Originally posted by lucifershammerHey! If you hadn't've blundered that piece white would have been able to castle! and since white couldn't castle you won!
Mate in 19 (after blundering away a minor piece!)
Game 2571762
And, in 7 (a variant of Fool's Mate):
Game 2781150
This is an odd one. I beat the same guy in 8 moves in both our games in this tournie...
Game 2656741
Game 2657343