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CHECKMATE in under 20 moves

CHECKMATE in under 20 moves

Only Chess

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Originally posted by cmsMaster
I love when people try that on me, because then I stop it and they have trouble catching up in development. Always nice to smash the idiots that waste their time with it.
let me try my tricks on you
I have smashed 1500 elo players - 20 moves

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Originally posted by HFRorbis
let me try my tricks on you
I have smashed 1500 elo players - 20 moves
when looking at your graph (to see 1500's fall for your cunning) i couldn't find a single one.

I did find high-end 1400's however, so i'll give you the benifit of the doubt.

care to post one of these 1500 death traps?

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Originally posted by Shinidoki
when looking at your graph (to see 1500's fall for your cunning) i couldn't find a single one.

I did find high-end 1400's however, so i'll give you the benifit of the doubt.

care to post one of these 1500 death traps?
Game 2109399

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Originally posted by HFRorbis
Game 2109399
1) where were these cunning trap we hear you speak of?

2) Black blundered, for some reason black handled the position badly (post move 25), just after winning material.

....nonetheless, for a 1300, an impressive victory.

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Not a game from RHP, but still under 20 moves

[Event "?"]
[Site "Pogo"]
[Date "2006.09.14"]
[Round "?"]
[White "themooreplayre"]
[Black "PureRWandB"]
[Result "0-1"]
1.e4 e5
2.d4 exd4
3.Qd1xd4 Nb8c6
4.Qd4d1 Ng8f6
5.f3 Bf8c5
6.Ng1e2 d5
7.Bc1g5 Bc5f2+
8.Ke1xf2 Nf6xe4+
9.fxe4 Qd8xg5
10.exd5 Nc6e5
11.h3 Qg5h4+
12.Ne2g3 f5
13.Kf2g1 Qh4xg3
14.Qd1h5+ g6
15.Qh5h6 Ne5f3++

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Originally posted by stoker
Game 1076495
You made a major blunder Qf6

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14. Qxf7+ Kd6 15. Nc4+ Kd5 16. Ne3+ Ke4 17. Ng5#

much better.

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Originally posted by Shinidoki
14. Qxf7+ Kd6 15. Nc4+ Kd5 16. Ne3+ Ke4 17. Ng5#

much better.
17. Ng5+ Qxg5, sorry, not checkmate yet. The played moves were best.

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21 moves, close enough: Game 1696205.
14 moves, includes a nice discovered attack: Game 1573806
Heavy use of pins for this win: Game 1542809
Finally: Game 1533778

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Originally posted by hahahaaaa
17. Ng5+ Qxg5, sorry, not checkmate yet. The played moves were best.
Okay then....
14. Qxf7+ Kd6 15. Nc4+ Kd5 16. Ne3+ Ke4 17. Nd2#

Btw, Have a closer look at Qf6.

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1. d2-d4 d7-d5
2. c2-c4 e7-e6
3. e2-e3 c7-c5
4. c4xd5 e6xd5
5. d4xc5 f8xc5
6. a2-a3 b8-c6
7. b2-b4 c5-b6
8. c1-b2 g8-f6
9. g1-f3 c8-g4
10. f1-e2 o-o
11. o-o d8-d6
12. b1-d2 a8-d8
13. h2-h3 g4xf3
14. d2xf3 b6-c7
15. d1-b3 f6-e4
16. b4-b5 e4-d2!!
17. b5xc6 d2xf3+ (any Qh2# )

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Not very spectacular but my first win here on RHP!Game 2493678

(Edits: now I know how to insert games in the forum 😉)

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Game 2477595

not strictly checkmate but it was next move(19)

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