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CHECKMATE in under 20 moves

CHECKMATE in under 20 moves

Only Chess

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Game 2274786

This game is where black takes the pawn on a7 in the Chinese Variation of The Sicilian Dragon. Not good.

Later on Black tried to defend against the threat of c5-c4 but his defence was no good I guess.

Black could try Qd3 instead of Ka1 but then Qc5!! with the threat of Qc3 is Devestating. Black wins Q.



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Mate on move 20, "pawnpusher" pushed his pawns too much 🙂 Game 2348969

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Originally posted by MCA
Ok I know there is currently a post running for wins in under 20 moves but the water gets bit murky when the win was through resignation or timeout. I dont think these should count unless the mate can be forced in under 20. (I know there may be some who disagree with this but should it really count just cause my opponent went on holiday for a fortnight on move t ...[text shortened]... ?

Here's my best Game 766306 move ten.

[edit: bit of line spacing looks better lol]
Here you go.
Nice one in under 20 do you think?Game 1648790

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
...and you still haven't subscribed! Why not? You obviously use the site regularly...
because i have a wife and kids lol

i very rarely get near the max limit of 6 (e.g. i only have two at the moment) and spend too much time on here as it is (according to my wife).

Also I dont have an interest in any of the sieges; tournaments or clans. Therefore subscribing doesnt give me anything i want but dont already have.

maybe if i ever get more spare time (i.e. a divorce) lol

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Originally posted by powershaker
Here you go.
Nice one in under 20 do you think?Game 1648790
yeah man, i like the queen sac for mate and also like any mates which dont use the queen but...

6b.Nxe5 loses white a piece (i think) so you have to be careful when going for this quick mate.

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I already posted this but nobody commented. Could be cuz it sucks, but just in case anyone wants to take another look...

Game 2167026

A couple of pretty cool sacs I think, but I'd be interested in other opinions.

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Originally posted by GooBers
I already posted this but nobody commented. Could be cuz it sucks, but just in case anyone wants to take another look...

Game 2167026

A couple of pretty cool sacs I think, but I'd be interested in other opinions.
nice game - cant comment much on it really cause i aint got time (im at work 🙁 ) but ill maybe take a look later on tonight if i get a chance.

besides being rated under 1400 im probably not the best one to comment on it really lol

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Very nice game

One of mine, I think about 12 moves
Game 2300972

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Game 2343047

Here is mate in under 10! My first! 😵

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I've seen a mate the same as this before, anyone know the name of it.

Game 2426548

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I don't remember when I played this game, I had even read before about this trap, but once I really won like that in Ruy Lopez with black - 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6 dxc 5.0-0 Bg4 6.h3 h5 7.hxg hxg 8.Nxe5 Qh4 9.f4 g3 0-1. White resigned here because of inevitable mate next move. Pretty neat, eh?

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here is one that does not quite meat the requirements but I thought that I would post it anyway.

Game 2234427

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Game 2411856
Not bad for a low rated player like me.

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i know this game isn't much to be proud of knowing my opponent is like 400 pts lower than i am.Game 2446279

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Sorry, I couldn't help posting this one.

Game 2420268

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