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CHECKMATE in under 20 moves

CHECKMATE in under 20 moves

Only Chess

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Game 2230781

All the sweeter with the points difference!

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I was proud of this one

Game 2167026

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11 moves. Trying to keep the pawn in QGA can get ugly real fast.

Game 2187346

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Originally posted by cadwah
Game 2230781

All the sweeter with the points difference!
how can you be proud of this, i would be shamed to the bone. he was kicking your butt. and he easily could've won with 17...Nb6. thank your lucky stars and keep quite about your pathetic play.

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i got caught with this trap once.

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Nd5 Nxd5 8.exd5 Ne7 9.c4 a6?? 10.Qa4!! Bd7?? 11.Nxd6#

the beauty of this variation is that after 9.a6 black is doomed his best defense is to give up the rook for the knight. 10...axb5 11.Qxa8 bxc4 12.Bxc4 and white is kicking butt OR 10...Kd7 11.Bd2 b6 12.Bb4 Nf5 13.Bd3 Ke7 14.Bxf4 Bxf4 15.Nxd6 Kf6 16.Nxf5 and white is up a pawn and has an excellent position see

the correct play is 9...Ng6

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How many do you want?

Heres 9 moves Game 2187876

and a few more under 20

Game 2289597
Game 2282032
Game 2277401
Game 2146679
Game 2146698
Game 2198064
Game 2190241
Game 2167397

More available where they came from.

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Originally posted by aginis
how can you be proud of this, i would be shamed to the bone. he was kicking your butt. and he easily could've won with 17...Nb6. thank your lucky stars and keep quite about your pathetic play.
I'll be sure to keep quite in future, and as I endeavour to improve my pathetic play I may one day be as wise and as much of a chess god as you. I have played better, though sadly didn't win within the 20 moves required to post in this thread. Thanks for your kind words.

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2279848.. how do I make the link???

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Originally posted by pazmo7
2279848.. how do I make the link???
Game 2279848

very nice, well done mate

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Originally posted by pazmo7
2279848.. how do I make the link???
Either of the following:

1) When posting your reply click the "Insert link to a game" link and enter the Game ID - in this case Game 2279848

2) When posting your reply surround the game id with the following code (without the spaces):

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[ threadid ]26440[ / threadid ] = Thread 26440 (shame [threadid]26440&page=28#post_859754[/threadid] doesnt work though)

[ fen ]rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR[ / fen ] =
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but i'd leave this if you aint figured out the others yet.

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It is possible to force a clueless...I mean, bookless Fritz8 (running on a 2800 Sempron at 40 in 120 + 60 + 30) to resign in exactly 20 moves. Mate follows in a further 12 moves. Any idea how?

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Originally posted by aginis
how can you be proud of this, i would be shamed to the bone. he was kicking your butt. and he easily could've won with 17...Nb6. thank your lucky stars and keep quite about your pathetic play.
He beat an 1800+ player in less than 20 moves.
I think it's a case of "sour grapes" that you ridicule caddy's game.

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Originally posted by Sicilian Smaug
I think Aginis needs to take a look at his attitude.
The thread asked for mate in under 20 moves, mates in less than under 20 moves require mistakes by the losing side. Why Aginis thought it right to ridicule Cadwah and noone else who posted here is anyone's guess but in doing so he has only made himself look the fool. Hopefully he'll post with better manners in the future or else resist posting at all.
simple i was bored yesterdat and i decided to check this thread out hoping there were indeed some nice miniatures here. I just didn't have time to look through them all. I just find that relishing a game where your opp has mate in 1 and simply stops paying attention is the worst kind of chess. thats not to say many of the games were much better (i have such a game it bored me out of my skull and i certainly wouldn't post it I'd prefer to post a game i played well but lost.) although some(the minority) are pretty good.

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