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CHECKMATE in under 20 moves

CHECKMATE in under 20 moves

Only Chess

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Me as black im pleased to say, and my first OTB attampt at the Birds opening

1. f4 d5
2. Nf3 Nf6
3. h3 e6
4. g4 Bd6
5. Ne5 Nh5 (at this point im surprised my opponent wasnt suspicious)
6. gxh5 Qh4++

0-1. im sure u will understand the laughter and surprise of the spectators

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Game 2239846

New guy was beating me soundly until I mated him by chance.

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Originally posted by GameGeek
Game 2239846

New guy was beating me soundly until I mated him by chance.
yeah, your opponent had the right idea to attack your queen, but with the wrong piece, should have attacked w/ pawn

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Two more games, I think its good for a beginner.

Game 2231400 coming back from attack
Game 2200602 Taking advantage of a poor soul

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mate in 12 moves

Game 2263339

i liked this game 🙂

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Game 2248390

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Originally posted by TainoBrotha
Game 2248390
Nice Game Taino! I liked how you used your knights for the set up.

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Légal's Mate Game 2125484

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Game 2244340 woulda been checkmate on move 20
Game 2244316 a "boring" philidor defense

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Exchanged Queens for position and eventual checkmateGame 2263137

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Originally posted by TainoBrotha
Exchanged Queens for position and eventual checkmateGame 2263137
nice one - you must have been 😀😀 when you seen the exchange would give you the game.

well played

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This was played a few years ago (me as black) and iv just dished it out, i think i was about, 13? but how ever old i was i was so proud of myself when i won this lol. i was playing the bishops opening how i was sure it should be played, but found myself a knight/bishop down cos i was expecting.. 9. Ne2, that is the/a 'correct' continuation isnt it?
1. e4 e5
2. Bc4 Bc5
3. c3 Nf6
4. d4 exd4
5. e5 d5
6. exf6 dxc4
7. Qh5 0-0
8. Qxc5 Re8+
9. Kf1 Qxf6
10. Qxc4 dxc3
11. Nxc3 c6
12. Nf3 Qxf3!
13. gxf3 Bh3+
14. Kg1 Re1+
0-1 (resigned)

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Game 1336546

3 edits
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Here is my contribution . I was a bit disapointed that he walked right into mate after i spent some time trying to see if the sacrifice was a good idea.Game 2278472

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got another one
Game 2281760

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