Originally posted by adevthats it man keep going, were sure to see your rating skyrocket soon
Game 2186544 ok then - howzat - 2 days in a row!๐
hopefully you will be back with another tmrw lol
Originally posted by adevlmao - now thats good going dude
Game 2186571
That's 3 in 3 days!!!!!
i dont think there has been anyone in this thread to come back three days in a row like that (at least not with fresh recent games anyway) ๐ฒ
i have to admit that im a little gutted now ๐ i think i've only added three games to this entire thread (over the course of almost a year) and you come in showing off with three in three days ๐
i'll just have to keep myself happy with kicking your butt in our game lol ๐
congrats though man ... would i be pushing it to say "cya tmrw"? lol
I Win !!!
[Event "?"]
[Site "Pogo"]
[Date "2005.02.26"]
[Round "?"]
[White "tmpaul2"]
[Black "PureRWandB"]
[Result "0-1"]
1.d4 e5
2.c3 d5
3.e3 b6
4.Ng1f3 Bf8d6
5.Bf1d3 Bc8g4
6.Bd3e2 h5
7.O-O Ng8f6
8.Qd1a4+ Qd8d7
9.Be2b5 c6
10.Bb5e2 a5
11.Rf1e1 b5
12.Qa4c2 Nf6e4
13.h3 Bg4xf3
14.Be2xf3 Ne4g5
15.Bf3xh5 Rh8xh5
16.f4 Ng5xh3+
17.Kg1f1 Nh3xf4
18.exf4 Qd7g4
19.dxe5 Bd6c5
20.e6 Rh5h1++
I Loss !!
[Event "?"]
[Site "Pogo"]
[Date "2004.03.03"]
[Round "?"]
[White "kosmoman1"]
[Black "PureRWandB"]
[Result "1-0"]
1.d4 Nb8c6
2.Bc1f4 e5
3.Bf4xe5 Nc6xe5
4.dxe5 d6
5.exd6 Bf8xd6
6.e3 Ng8f6
7.Ng1f3 Bc8g4
8.Bf1e2 Nf6e4
9.h3 Bd6b4+
10.c3 Bb4xc3+
11.Nb1xc3 Ne4xc3
12.bxc3 Qd8f6
13.hxg4 O-O
14.Ke1f1 Ra8d8
15.Qd1c2 a5
16.Be2d3 b5
17.Bd3xh7+ Kg8h8
18.Bh7d3+ Kh8g8
19.Bd3xb5 c6
20.Qc2h7++ 1-0
I have no Shame ๐
One More... I call this one "Good Night Moves"
[Event "?"]
[Site "Pogo"]
[Date "2006.06.03"]
[Round "?"]
[White "PureRWandB"]
[Black "Computer_2"]
[Result "1-0"]
1.Nb1c3 e6
2.Ng1f3 Qd8f6
3.e4 Ng8e7
4.Bf1c4 Nb8c6
5.d4 d6
6.Bc4d3 Bc8d7
7.Bc1g5 Qf6g6
8.e5 f5
9.exf6 Ne7f5
10.Qd1e2 Nc6xd4
11.Nf3xd4 Qg6xg5
12.Nd4xe6 Bd7xe6
13.Qe2xe6+ Ke8d8
14.Bd3xf5 Qg5xf5
15.Qe6xf5 gxf6
16.Nc3d5 Bf8e7
17.Nd5f4 Rh8g8
18.Nf4e6+ Kd8c8
19.Ne6c5+ Kc8b8
20.Nc5d7+ Kb8c8
21.Nd7b6+ Kc8b8
22.Qf5c8+ Rg8xc8
23.Nb6d7++ 1-0
(Yeah, its over 20....so what..LOL)
ok, here is one, since i saw this thread i wanted to make it here, but I never thougth it was going to be so soon.
Game 2199496
Originally posted by Supermancongrats man you get here in the end ๐
ok, here is one, since i saw this thread i wanted to make it here, but I never thougth it was going to be so soon.
Game 2199496
black really should have taken the bishop on move 13 ๐
Game 1653054
The possibilities in the final position are 11 ... Kd2 12 Be3++; 11 ... Nf3 12 Qg2+ Ke1 13 Qf2++.
Originally posted by chessicleim sure you mean 11. Kd2, Be3# but either way it still a good finish - congrats man
Game 1653054
The possibilities in the final position are 11 ... Kd2 12 Be3++; 11 ... Nf3 12 Qg2+ Ke1 13 Qf2++.
Game 2219000
At first I was going to just take his rook, but then I saw some ideas with the queen ๐ It was forced from his 7th move (though his 8th move made it an instant mate)