Originally posted by adam warlockyeah it was nice considering ratings wwere similar. his b3 was criminal though. Qf3 gives a game there.
Game 3541195
I kinda liked this one...
huge rating advantage in an untidy Grob
Game 3366388
Originally posted by malingaYeah after b3 I just had to look at the board very carefuly to see what had to be done. After my check I actually had to think hard about what my next move would be. Now I feel like a shmuck for taking too long.
yeah it was nice considering ratings wwere similar. his b3 was criminal though. Qf3 gives a game there.
huge rating advantage in an untidy Grob
Game 3366388
Game 3452712
Game 3527166
A couple more wins in 20 moves exact. The first one listed I am somewhat proud of because I did not expect to win that game going into it. I had already lost my first two games of the tournament to this guy.
I wouldn't say the more aggressive I play the more I win but I would say of the games I've won it is due to taking an aggressive role rather than a defensive one.
Okay....there could have been so much more to play, but I can't say I wasn't smiling about this one:
Game 3562847
Originally posted by SmittyTimeGame 3567696
Not sure how to make it a direct link.
Post it this way (omitting the *) [gid*]3567696[/gid*]
but (1) it is 23 moves and (2) its a timeout. I can post wins in 2 or 3 moves that are timeouts. Sorry but you must mate your opponent or he must resign in a genuinely inferior position.
Originally posted by wittywonkaYou could have mated on your 15th too.
Game 2821984
Probably one of my favorites...
I deliberately picked a up few games against lower rated players to play quickly while I was working - unfortunately they didn't all go this well:
Game 3608965
Another RHP gem
[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site "www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2007.6.11"]
[Round "?"]
[White "BLReid"]
[Black "harazd"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. d2-d4 Qd8-e7 3. d4xe5 Qe7xe5 4. Nb1-c3 d7-d5 5. Ng1-f3 Qe5-e6 6. Nc3xd5 Qe6xe4 7. Qd1-e2 Qe4-e6 8. Nd5xc7 Ke8-d7 9. Nc7xe6 f7xe6 10. Nf3-e5 Kd7-e7 11. Bc1-g5 Ng8-f6 12. O-O-O h7-h6 13. Ne5-g6 Ke7-f7 14. Ng6xh8 Kf7-e8 15. Bg5xf6 g7xf6 16. Qe2-h5 Ke8-e7 17. Qh5-f7 1-0