Game 3768821
This is a game with a friend who doesn't play much, so it's not to shame him. It was just an unusually precise win for me.
Game 3776668
White's 13th move. Just finished. I was expecting Black to take my knight with his knight. When Black attacked my other knight instead, it took me a while to realize that I had this mate.
Originally posted by HolyTthat's hilarious. well done cos that could be easily missed
Game 3776668
White's 13th move. Just finished. I was expecting Black to take my knight with his knight. When Black attacked my other knight instead, it took me a while to realize that I had this mate.
Game 3805285
White resigned before 14th move but mate was coming soon.White to move (White resigns)
Game 3738594 --The famous book mate in 10: taking advantage on the f file using the weak e8-h5 diagonal.
Game 3686718 --Mate in 'exactly' 20.The same theme, colors reversed. The killer manouver is the 17th.
Game 3683511 --Pawn mate in 15. My 14th move was not sound, but oh well.
Game 3736434 funny one in 15 moves (accidentally gave away my queen, mated one move after anyway)
Game 3771023 ah well, 11 moves, just for fun
Game 3770946 this little mate I like. The choice was fork between queen and king, or mate; opponent chose mate 🙂 note the queen sort of captured in the corner from move 6...
Next 2, both mate in 7, note the resemblance between the games...
Game 2108109
Game 1333471
Originally posted by RavelloThat's a little bit sexy.
do you like this?
Game 611024
[fen]r2qk2r/ppp2ppp/2p5/8/4n1b1/1P1P4/PBP1KbPP/RN1Q1B1R w kq - 1 9[/fen]