This is probably my favourite - I walked my Bishop round my Queen on consecutive moves to set the mate up. How he didn't spot it I don't know!
Game 3773775
One more - I was getting battered (as usual) but somehow he didn't spot the cheap checkmate I got him with....
Game 2760351
Game 3845392
the infamous Queen/ Bishop set up. Everytime I have done this I swear to myself I will commit it to memory, but I can't spot it more than three maybe 4 moves.
Although my opponent played a brilliant d3! on move 8, I managed to win in 16 in this Game 3877130
then again I've been on the blunderer's end of some pretty quick chekcmates too 😳
Game 2214583
Originally posted by calydon
then again I've been on the blunderer's end of some pretty quick chekcmates too 😳
Game 2214583
Game 3880385
I'd say I got lucky. I tried to do something similar to the Smith Morra Gambit though clearly it isn't the smith morra. Comments are welcome.
[Event "Siege"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2007.08.01"]
[EndDate "2007.08.10"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Dance Master MC"]
[Black "odedblayer"]
[WhiteRating "1376"]
[BlackRating "1420"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "3870577"]
1. e4 e5 2. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 3. Bf1c4 Bf8c5 4. c3 d6 5. O-O Bc8g4 6. Qd1b3 Ra8b8
7. Bc4xf7 Ke8d7 8. h3 Bg4xf3 9. Qb3e6 1-0
I bet my opponet must've played while under the influence, he sucked
Originally posted by deeploserVery well played. I don't think you got lucky - you thoroughly deserved the win even if 14...Qxe1? looks at first glance rather erm... panicky! Maybe black had given up the ghost at that stage.
Game 3880385
I'd say I got lucky. I tried to do something similar to the Smith Morra Gambit though clearly it isn't the smith morra. Comments are welcome.
You can trace most of black's problems back to a timely e4-e5 at move 8.